Creating a cartoon scene

Has anyone been able before to turn an LD dream into a cartoon-like scenery? That would be so awesome

I once jumped into a 2d tv-game in one of my LD’s :wink: Ofcourse anyone could turn a lucid dream into a cartoon-like scenery, piece a cake. Everything is possible!

I’ve never done it before, but that would be awesome!

I’ve had LD’s in a cartoony style but I don’t think I’ve ever willed it that way before. I’ll give it a shot. Sounds fun. :happy:

Dude, that would so freakin’ cool! I would make my cartoon dreamworld with very bold outlines & colors. Plus, the animation quality would be superb, with really fluid movement, dramatic lighting effects, & stylish camera-angle stuff. It’d kick the crap outta what’s on real TV! My subconcious could be the writer, providing super-original ideas for characters, hilarious humor, episode plots, props, & scenery. Then I’ll make my own cartoon series, and I’d be the main character. It’d have aliens, ghosts, secret agents, Styro-foam Ninjas (my own idea :tongue: ), vampires (the good, misunderstood kind), alternate dimensions, & space travel. Oh, and anime girls – can’t forget the anime girls. Not only that, but it could never be canceled or censored.

Or imagine making your lucid dream black and white! That would be so cool! Film noir lucid dreaming!

Ooh! That’s a bit classy isn’t it?! I’d love to dream in sepia personally…

lol, Sepia

I’ve tried to do this a few times but usually I don’t work on it enough to keep it that way

I will dream of watching cartoons probably almost every day, and sometimes being in them, but when I’m in them they are usually like reality and it is known / understood / believed that I am one of the characters, or moving around the characters in some way.

That sounds like a good idea. I might try that. :content:

One my burned-into-memory-forever dreams is from childhood…

A state of extreme prejudice exists between humans and cartoons. So my environment is half-cartoon and half-reality and my cartoon classmates have it in for me. :help:

Ever been chased by Buster Bunny? He’s surprisingly intimidating. “There’s a stinky human right there!”