Okay i am an impatient person though i have been taking my time with lds. i havent really tried immensly, i said screw dream recall and i realized that i cant really remember anything anymore. my question is this, how long do i have to do the little, im gonna go to sleep and remember it when i wake up Mnumonic (however you spell it) before you go to sleep before you start remembering 2 or so dreams? Also curious as to how long you should wait before you can expect some HI to start during sleep, i cant seem to remember having any yet, i got to the point where my eyes shake really fast, but then i fell outta bed… by accident… yea… not my crowning acheivement., One other thing, does age have anything to do with this, cause im only 15 and the people that seem to have any success at all seem to be like 26 and whatnot… thats discouraging to say the least… Thanks for the help.
hmm well for HI to start forming it only takes me about 15 mins, but thats the very start of it when i see green/blue/purple blobs… eventually they will turn into detailed images which happens in REM sleep which may take 2 or 3 hours. and age has nothing to do with it, i’m 14 and ive had 5 ld’s so far.
well i hope that helped, happy LD’ing!
Um, with the memonic, say it about 5 to 20 times befor you go to sleep, or did you mean how manny days? If so, it depends on you. Generaly the younger you are the better it is. If you look around on the forum here you will see lots of people that are only 13 to 15 who are have lots of LD’s and have good DR. If you keep a DJ, and tell yourself every night befor you go to bed that you will remember your dreams, you could be rembering 2 or more dreams a night is less then a week.
If you are trying WILD, the best advice is “switch to MILD”. You will probly get LD’s faster with it. If you try WILD when you go to bed at night, your chances of having and rembering an LD are very low. WILD normaly takes a lot of practice, MILD generaly works within two weeks or so. ( Side note here, if you are not remembering your dreams every night, you may be having LD’s and not know it! ) Work on DR and try MILD. Once you have some LD’s your chances of WILDing are better, and you know that you can do it.
The reason you see people in their mid-20’s having so much success is because they’ve spent years of sleep-training to get to the point they are at hehe
I tried saying to myself “I will remember my dreams” and in 2 days had my first LD after my first LD i now focus on LD and today for the first time in my life remember 3 full 4< Dreams yay! And if you see i am only 13. I tried WILD for 4 weeks and no luck. all my lucid dreams are thanks to RC.
Yeah doesnt matter about age im 14 and have had 12 one everyother night most of the time. Sometimes i have 2 LD’s a night but only once it happened