I’m not really sure im great at dream recalling but i can remember pretty well, But my real question is if this sounds like im getting anywhere… first about 9 or so times my body just feels numb and really warm… and the other where i think i was getting kind of close i was numb, i could have moved if i wanted to but it felt like my body was shutting down, and three times this has happend, and then some almost blinding white light in the back of my mind seems to just come up, ill notice it then it will fade away… soon after i end up having to change positions or something due to frustration… any ideas?
Yea, stay relaxed, stay determined. Become more and more relaxed, and tired, but stay aware. Stay in a comfortable place until you are in a lucid dream, or asleep.
That white light is HI, but a first stage HI scene. Then it turns out as blurry images, or flashes. Afterwards it could range from, vibrations, clear images, strange feelings, jumps, shakes, and dream sequences.
Anyways good luck, and remember WBTB and WILD is the best to go for!
Ah, thanks, yea the white lights odd, it just stays there until i notice it, like when you watch a person, they notice and look away, its just like that i finally notice the white light and it fades away and i have a hard time continuing after that, thats probably my problem, and i cannot do wbtb due to the fact i cant get up after my usual 8 hour sleep let alone get up earlier, i just cant do that. So i just gotta wild @_@
WBTB can also be going straight to sleep, waking up and doing a WILD immediantly. That way you loose as much sleep as WILD. Now then, don’t move your real eyes, relax them. That’s also a problem.
No no i know to try to keep my eyes still, i think i am decent at keeping still but my problem is staying focused, sometimes i get distracted by music i listen to playing in my head, which interrupts me, also the only way i can ld, or am trying is just going straight to bed then trying to wild.
But going to bed and doing WILD proves to be very difficult because of the fact that it takes so long for the body to enter REM sleep, wich is dreaming sleep. When you wake up after 6 hours of sleep, and do WILD, you can enter REM almost immediantly
Generally, we now can say that DILDs are more common than WILDs. I know that some people are gonna blam me, but i really dont see point in trying harder (but more spectacular way, i must admit that) way, if there is simplier way.
Anyway, if you are sure to use WILD method, just try again, stay calm, but awake, and this should work.
NOO! I hate you for that remark because I’m a big WILD fan (yes, I admit it, though I’m a huge RC fan as well). But you have evidence supporting your statement…
The main advantage of WILD is that they’re consistent. I’ve been experiencing a sort of drought lately where the only LD’s I’ve had were WILD’s (okay, so that’s dramatic. It’s not been a YEAR since my last LD, but it hasn’t been happening as frequently either…).
Anyway, concerning HI, try not to focus on it too much. If you can, try to look at it out of the corner of your eye, but if that causes the HI to fade, try to just ignore it. Usually, focusin causes the HI to vanish…