Hey eeveryone,
i had a dream last night and i was at the front of my house watching me old ma whipper snip the garden.At the front of our house theres a lake probably about 20 ahead of the house, which is what it is in real life. Anyway it started to get cloudy and dark and a bit windy i saw in the far distant a tornado hit the ground, i was yelling at dad to look but he couldnt hear me. So i tried pulling on his shirt but it was like he was ignoring me. Anyway a small one hit the lake on the other side ,then got bigger, it went and kept coming back and getting closer. It got to us and i was beside the house, holding for grip, while my sister came out and stood in front of it and looked up at it. My dad was still working on the garden though the cyclone was on us. i was starting to go becuase the wind was so strong but one of my sisters ex was there and i yelled out and held me arm so i wouldnt fly up.
Does anyone know what this means? it looked like i was the only one getting affected by the cyclone.
Also i had another dream, and i saw a character that ive seen in another dream before and the first dream i had with her in it. i wanted to talk to her but i was to shy. Well she came back and accidently bumped into me, i turned to her and said sorry and so did she, then she said ‘look’, as she was doing a little fancy dance slowly moving her wrist i realised she had the same watch as me.