Da Vinci Code

[color=darkred][b]I’m almost done reading the Da Vinci…

I can’t put it down !!!

anyone else read it and if so…

what r your thoughts ?![/b][/color]

I read it for a school project last year. I also have 5 or 6 pages of typed notes on it (boy, that was annoying to write I tell ya…) He researched the book VERY carefully and most of what he says in there is true, but don’t take it absolute fact. He got some stuff wrong and he made up some stuff for story purposes, but you can generally tell where he did that. It’s very good but I think I liked his other book better, Angels & Demons.

Well… I’m not sure that most of the stuff is true…

A norwegian authority on “fake science” (Bjørn Are Davidsen) said that you rarely find books with more wrong facts.

Dan Brown presents rumors and theories proven wrong as “facts” right from the beginning.

I’m sure there can be found many articles on this throughout the web, This one is in Norwegian:
aftenposten.no/meninger/kron … 838416.ece

I’m pretty sure you’d have to rewrite that school-paper to make it accurate, Fixing Flare.

da vinci code is a good Fictional tale. However almost all of the material in there is incorrect

It wasn’t a school paper, it was sorta like a book club thing. The group agreed on a certain book and then after we read it the teachers watched as we discussed it. We got graded on how involved our discussion was about the book.

[color=darkred]I’ve looked up a lot of the claims made
and there seems to be some pretty credible evidence…
however… I am skeptical… … . . . .
but. … i think a lot of the people claiming ‘its’ all false’ and wha not…
are devoted christians. … more so… catholics, that r just trying to keep the good name of the church alive… NOT THAT I:M CLAIMING THAT… . .

I don’t like the way, a lot of christian churches operate,
and so, obviously… i favor the veiws, claims and opions made/shown in “The Da Vinci Code”, and i would even say I am bias … . . . and so i would naturally defend it…
now… someone on the other side… disfavoring the views, would naturally be biased and offend it. … . . .[/color]

mu hahah

You’re saying you believe what Brown writes in his book because you don’t like the differente branches of the christian church? The i must ask you what you feel about commercialism and falsification of history?

Well… putting our thoughts about churches and other “religious” spheres aside: Brown’s book is criticised by scientists for too many reasons for me to mention (and to at all find out about), I’ll just mention that he:

  • Uses outdated science
  • Invents his own sources and “experts”
  • Makes assertions that spring out from nowhere at all.

So you might be biased, StreetSpirit, but don’t look to the ‘Da Vinci code’ for arguments (and proof of any sort) against the Catholic church. Read the book like a novel - nothing else.

what about the book , “Secrets of The Code” by Dan Burstein,
Has anyone read this… its not a novel but an unauthorized guide to the mysteries behind the davinci codes…

[b]Well I do believe the part he did get right was about Jesus and Mary moving to France and having children, their first child Sarah. This has been the Merovingian history for some time.

I also believe in Mary being one of the disciples and writing The Gospel of Mary Magdeline.

Notice those two names:

:cool: [/b]

I can’t say that that isn’t so, Sunwolf, because I haven’t looked into the subject. But I’m pretty sure that Brown is lying when he says that that theory is supported by over 50 “renowned historians” and that innumerable chroniclers has described Maria Magdalena’s time in France and the genealogical tree for her and Jesus’ descendants.

I’d like to have those sources listed.

Anyway: I’m not saying that all the theories about the da vinci-codes etc are bull, I’m simply saying that Brown’s book isn’t the place to look for facts and correct history.

Sources for Dan Burstein’s Unauthorized Guides to the Mysteries behind the DaVinci Code

Diane Apostolos-Cappadona /// Richard Leigh
Michael Baigent /// Henry Lincoln
Esther de Boer /// James Martin, S.J.
David Downie /// Richard McBrien
Betsy Eble /// Laura Miller
Bart Ehrman /// Sherwin B. Nuland
Timothy Freke /// Elaine Pagels
Peter Gandy /// Lynn Pickenett
Deidre Good /// Clyve Prints
Susan Haskins /// James Robinson
Stepen Hoeller /// Simon Singh
Katherine L. Jansen /// Margaret Starbird
Karen King /// David Van Biema
David Klinghoffer /// Kenneth Woodward

These are the sources for his book which came out after the Davinci Code Book. Dan Burstein’s book is called Secrets of the Code. I don’t know if these sources can help you but they pretty much confirm and discredit the same statements made in the orginal book.

[color=darkred]As I said, I’ve looked up a lot of the claims made… .
I’ve studied the da vinci paintings… . …
I’m not a naive person what-so-ever. . .
I guess the reason i am bias…

every since i was a child, i found it funny that Jesus was never married and that catholic priest cannot marry… it always bothered me…
I’ve always seen woman and men as equals
and I’ve always found the catholic church argues that…
they demean woman… .

Plus… it make sense… like ‘in the book’ ‘it was a sin in that time for a jewish person not to marry’… that’s true !

and hey, haha… . .
i dunno

I believe in a thing called love[/color]