I’ve never had a LD but I was reading a column by someone on the internet and she said that if you have LDs constantly (like every night) you can suffer from depression (something about the lack of serontin in your brain which can only be replensihed by non-REM sleep). She said that you should only LD about once a month. I only found this forum two days ago but I think that there is at least a few members who LD every night. D’you think this is bad for you??
no. That’s not true at all. There are two types of sleep:
Quiet sleep (regenerative sleep) and Paradoxical sleep (or REM)
In physiological terms, a Lucid dream is no worse for you than a normal dream (which you have 6 of a night)
In fact, studies say that the frequent stimulation of the subconscious mind while dreaming (AKA lucidity) can increase your memory, boost your knowledge base, and give you opportunities to deal with life issues that would be extremely difficult to face in real life.
still, you should Lucid dream only about 5-6 times a week, and give a night or two to non-lucid dreams. But once a month?
She has no scientific basis to back this up. Jeez, she even contradicted herself in her statement. “that can only be replenished in non-REM sleep” Lucid dreams are dreams, and only occur IN REM. It doesn’t even effect Quiet Sleep, so there is no way she can be taken credibly.
Lucid dreaming is safe for almost every night, and can greatly improve your health and happiness.
Thanks Thai Boxer. I’m a lot less cautious about LDing now At least I will be if I ever have one.
Erm. Why should you only LD 5-6 times a week, then?
I personally haven’t felt any side-effects of LD’ing too much…
The only reason I can think of … is that it gives you a break from actively doing techs to induce a LD. So you may go to sleep faster.
haha, yeah, I didn’t mean for physical reasons, just that techs can get tiring after a while
then again, I’m quite lazy, so most people may have no problem having 7 nights of lucidity inducing a week.
you can control when to have LD’s
yes, thats the whole point of trying to master a tech, so you can get the ability to have a LD at will.
Possibly you use more energy while lucid since it’s like that when you’re awake. More consciousness uses more energy. Although The brain is more active during REM sleep than when awake. But even if you do lucid dream every night You’re gonna have more non-lucid REMsleep than lucid REMsleep. That is unless you are very, very skilled. In other words, it’s nothing to worry about.
maybe the thing is that you can extend lucidity for very long periods of time when normally your body wants to wake up, so it could tax some mental/physical/hormonal resources.
it can feel really strange to wake up out of a lucid dream that was extended for a very long period of time, as if your brain is hyped up.
otherwise REM is REM, lucidity denotes a higher form of conscoiusness than normally present in REM but I wouldn’t think it would alter things too much.
i would be more worried about psychological and spiritual rammifications (from deliberately planting patterns and creating habits in your subconscious) than I would about serotonin.
the brain should be adaptive enough to handle lucidity, and frankly lucidity is a very normal thing, it is just rare in this kind of society where people don’t pay attention to their minds enough.
it is quite natural to attain lucidity spontaneously in your youth, or if you cultivate mindfulness DURING the day! mindfulness is hard to cultivate if you are taking materalist distractions very serious. (i.e. tv commercials, etc)
hence the western mans skepticism of going into your dreams, consciously, remembering them, and doing deliberate things in them.

you can control when to have LD’s
of course, my friend. In lucid dreaming you chose to have lucid dreams. They can happen at random, but it usually depends on you not thinking about lucidity, or doing anything dream related. There are also those who have lucid dreams naturally many nights a week. I envy them with a passion
For the most part, we here at LD4all use a series of techniques and practices which enable us to have lucid dreams many nights, or at will.