
Is it possible that Daydreams are just less intense lucid dreams and that we may be able to Ld in the day

i dont C why u should not be able to hav lucid dreams in day. i think its meaby even better becuz u can go direcktly to REM sleep if it is not to late on the day. Well that my opinion im not sure off this so if someone thinks im wrong please say so

Um daydreams, usually meaning flights of the imagination while awake (not sleeping dreams you have during the day, R3dman - that’s a whole other topic) are obviously a lot less intense, and in my experience less interesting and diverse in content, and more structured than sleeping dreams.

As for lucidity, well some people would probably say that daydreams are the enemy of lucid living.

Usually, and I think in this case I think I’m fairly normal, I don’t think that daydreams are real while they are happening.

If something very bad may be about to happen in a daydream then I won’t experience panic or distress because of it. If I’m in the same situation in a sleeping dream then I would be likely to have those feelings.

However, when someone is in a daydream it usually accompanies a loss of awareness of their surroundings, easily restored by say, someone calling their name. Also, while I have a daydream, I don’t think “I’m daydreaming” or examine my daydream surroundings, think about it’s structure, or compare it to reality.

So it doesn’t really seem to be lucid or non-lucid. We just drift in to them and don’t expect them to be consistent with reality. I think I approach dreams in the same way (drifting off, losing awareness, having daydreams turning into low intensity dreams). This could be one object to going lucid. If you don’t think that your dreams are real then you won’t suspect that they are non-real when weird stuff happens.

So I think daydreams are probably mainly a way of coming up with responses to hypothetical scenarios. It might kill the fun to have lucid daydreams. On the other hand it could be worth it if you could have LDs every night.

Its possible. I can astral project while awake.


how? what methods do you use?

i think thats interesting cuz i hav never expierienced a day dream then, i mean u dream while u awake? i only expirienced daydreams as like fantasys without really vision or sound only thoughs and very weak images or kinda videos if ya wanna call it like that, but definetly nothing that even looks likes a real dream .

No, I mean they are kinda just thoughts, because they have such low intensity. You can still picture things in your head though, can’t you, and imagine what sounds are like? It’s not “on top” of the real sensations though, like hypnagogia. It’s more dreamlike thoughts than dreamlike sensations.

It depends on the person I suppose, I read that some people can not visualize things in that way. Some can probably have very vivid daydreams though.

One of the charaters in Waking Life talks about this kind of thing.

Oh, and AP while awake? Does this differ from an LD? What criteria do you use in deciding that you are awake?