Earlier this August my family and I were in Virginia for three weeks on vacation. I was able to do reality checks many times a day and practice some of the other techiques (its a boring vacation, not much else to do) and by the end of the first week I was remembering anywhere from 2-5 dreams a night.
There was this one dream I had where I was riding in the passenger seat of my dads car and he was driving. He lost control of it on an onramp to a high way and then slammed into the guard rail. I then thought to myself, “What the hell, my dad doesnt suck at driving like that, Im only dreaming”. This is the point where I am not sure if I went lucid or not. It felt like I was just conscious with my eyes closed, and yet the dream was still pretty vivid. So Im not sure if I was actually dreaming or just thinking I was still dreaming. Anyway, on with the dream. I took control of the car and started driving reealy fast, weaving in and out of traffic. I got an idea that it would be cool to fly in it, but short after I took off I decided I would rather drive some more, so I did. I woke up shortly after. Can anyone give me their opinion if I had a LD or not?
Well, aparrently you must have been lucid when you said to yourself that you were dreaming. So either you lost lucidity shortly after, or you had a low-level LD.
Thats just MY opinion though…
Sounds like you had an LD; if you were dreaming and knew that you were dreaming, you were lucid. And it sounded like you knew you were dreaming to me So yes, that was an LD… I’m pretty sure of that!
I love the energetic new guys. They answer everything for me
Yeah, it was a LD.
Energetic new guys? Ehm. If that’s what you’d like to call it.
Wow…nice job…In a short time you managed