Did I have a Ld or not??

Hi, I’m new n’ this is my first post. :wave:
The other week I had this strange experience, but not sure what it was (pos LD??).
It was early in the morning & my alarm had not long gone off, but I had sort of gone back to sleep (I don’t think I was asleep, yet I don’t think I was awake either, strange!) I was very very aware that I was lying in my bed. anyway my dream (if that’s what it was) was… I was in a large empty room talking to a lady who was sitting in a chair in the centre of the room, she had a dark bob & was in her thirties, I couldn’t really see her face! I heard her voice & was also talking back to her, but her lips did not move as we were talking telepathically. I really enjoyed talking to her & felt an incredible warm n’ happy feeling, we were talking about my partner (Adam).
Then in waking-life Adam tapped me & said for me to wake up as I would be late for work, I told him to Shhhhh as I was talking to a lady (she was still there and I still had my eyes shut) She was trying to tell me something! Adam prodded me again and asked me what on earth was I on about. the lady gently faded away, I tried to get her to come back but couldn’t! It was all very wierd to say the least!
Later on that evening I told Adam about her. He asked what did she look like so I told him & he went white as a sheet. I had just described our good friend who had passed away due to a tragic accident a few weeks previous! yet I at the time it didn’t even cross my mind & I was sure I didn’t know the lady! Anyway I really don’t know what this experience was and wheather or not this was my friend (it makes sense tho as she would have talked to me about adam). please let me know if this was a Lucid dream?? Your views would be helpful, Thanks x.

IMO it sounds more like a “spiritual experience” than a LD. Like the barrier between you was weak because of the half waking/sleeping position you were in.
I think it’s one of those things that you have to decide for yourself

BTW :welcome: welcome to LD4all :smile:

Welcome to LD4all srh ! :welcome:

And I agree , that`s a strange expeience !