I am into studying into lucid dreaming for a long time. I just had two dreams (3 nights difference) but i don’t know if they go into the lucid category. The first one was me meeting a lady, the same age with me, she would grab me and transport me from one realm to another. After visiting a few sceneries, we appeared on a balcony. She stopped holding my hands and she fell from our balcony (6th floor) on top of a hood of a car but nothing happened to her as she started to walk like nothing happened. Was that a hint from my concious that i should start realising that i am dreaming? Or was that another person? I looked at her astonished and started to realise that something is wrong… but then I woke up! I should note here that i had that dream after i read the book of Donald J. Degracia, DO_ODE where he was descibing his many trials to make any person he would meet that he/she is dreaming.
The other dream was me being another life form (like a goblin) and i came into a difficult situation where i was riding a wagon on train tracks. I then thought that i could use some of the tricks that i learned from forums and guides. I started to draw a blue patch, so i can go through it into a different realm, with my finger in front of me, like it was a paintbrush, but i wasn’t doing a good job, and then i thought it not gonna work out (i am a bad drawer). Afterwards I woke up. I have to say again that i don’t think that I realised that I was dreaming I just used my concious!
I had some lucid dreams in the past where I would suddenly interrupt my dream and saying … wait a minute… why not just start flying i know i can do it and let’s visit the houses… (although the original mission in the dream was to do something else)
I usually remember 2 or 3 dreams per night. Thanx in advance for any feedback!!!