Did i just have a lucid dream?

I am into studying into lucid dreaming for a long time. I just had two dreams (3 nights difference) but i don’t know if they go into the lucid category. The first one was me meeting a lady, the same age with me, she would grab me and transport me from one realm to another. After visiting a few sceneries, we appeared on a balcony. She stopped holding my hands and she fell from our balcony (6th floor) on top of a hood of a car but nothing happened to her as she started to walk like nothing happened. Was that a hint from my concious that i should start realising that i am dreaming? Or was that another person? I looked at her astonished and started to realise that something is wrong… but then I woke up! I should note here that i had that dream after i read the book of Donald J. Degracia, DO_ODE where he was descibing his many trials to make any person he would meet that he/she is dreaming.

The other dream was me being another life form (like a goblin) and i came into a difficult situation where i was riding a wagon on train tracks. I then thought that i could use some of the tricks that i learned from forums and guides. I started to draw a blue patch, so i can go through it into a different realm, with my finger in front of me, like it was a paintbrush, but i wasn’t doing a good job, and then i thought it not gonna work out (i am a bad drawer). Afterwards I woke up. I have to say again that i don’t think that I realised that I was dreaming I just used my concious!

I had some lucid dreams in the past where I would suddenly interrupt my dream and saying … wait a minute… why not just start flying i know i can do it and let’s visit the houses… (although the original mission in the dream was to do something else)

I usually remember 2 or 3 dreams per night. Thanx in advance for any feedback!!!

They don’t appear to be lucid dreams since you weren’t aware that you were dreaming in your dreams. But the feeling of wrongness is a good sign that you are getting there. :grin:
Using “LD abilities” in a ND shows that lucid dreaming is on your mind. :wiske: So you are getting close.

Welcome to the forum twocows and good luck with lucid dreaming :cool:

Thanx! That’s what I thought too. Oh well, more nights to come…

I have to agree with moogle. You were close so keep practicing and you will get there. I used to have dreams where I could do things like turn myself invisible and have all sorts of powers but they were not lucid dreams because, I did not realize why I could do those things.

But, your critical thinking is obviously starting to wake up so keep practicing !!!

Thanx milod789! The problem, i think, is that i haven’t found MY sign for realising that I am dreaming yet. But I like the fact that my Conscious is trying to help me systematically.

Yes, it does sound like you are getting close.

I would not say those were LD’s because the definition of an LD is that the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming during the dream.

Good Luck!!! :content:

Thanx Lucidity_Master! Thanx everyone for your comments. They are very helpfull!

oh something else to note: if you ever find yourself asking “was that a lucid dream” then the answer is no.

Um, .:Illusion:., how could you know?

Its like an orgasm. when you have one you know you have one and theres no question in your mind. Its like asking “did i get shot? im not sure.”

Hahaha you guys you crack me up. it’s nice to know that there are more types of orgasms apart from sex and chocolat!