Did i made it?

Last night i dreamed that im in my classroom, and i decided to try if im sleeping. I tried to press my nose, and i was breathing throught my fingers. I think i realised that im dreaming and get very exited, i tried to calm down, but i coudnt. After a few seconds i woke up.

Hi and welcome, kacana :cool:

If you knew it was a dream, then it was a lucid dream. :cool: You are not the first to have woken up from excitement…i think most do, in the beginning.

Hello, kacana. Where are you from?

Firstly, try not to get too excited when you know that you are in a dream. Before you sleep, decide what you want to do when you become lucid. Then when you are lucid you will be able to do what you want before you wake up.

You are starting well. Keep it up and you will have more lucid dreams :smile:
