I tried using MILD lastnight. I can remember what happened but it was nothing special. I just went into a dream of blackness. I couldnt do anything but see black for abuot 2secs.
Thanks for not replieing but i already have this answer
The same thing happened to me the first time I tried but don’t worry, it will get better with practice!!
Soooo your saying it was a LD? if so im going to probably keep using MILD and use that one thing were you Write you are dreaming on your hand for a RC.
It was an LD, just a small one! Yeah, you should continue MILD, it’s the easiest, that’s what I do!!
Use WBTB with MILD for better results!
Oh and about the RC… I think the nose one is the most effective. Just hold your nose and if you can breathe it’s a dream!
OH, This is awesome. i cant use WBTB method because i have school toomorow. Oh yeah and last night i drank tea before bed and should i use the hand thing? Did the tea improve it. Also how would the WILD improve it i dont know if i can do i i’ve never tried.
WILD is a bit difficult but you should try and see what happens (and if you do it, please let me know, because i have no idea!!) You can also do the hand RC if you want, and tea will help you with WILD not MILD, because you won’t be able to fall asleep easily. In a LD try shouting “increase lucidity” or something, you can’t imagine how much it helps!!
Oh, ok i will stick to WILD for now.And i will use the RC and i will write increase lucidity on my hand to so i remember.
Don’t you meen MILD?!
Ooops, LOL, yeah i meant MILD. Sorry about that
Good luck tonight!!!
Thanks, I hope your “good luck” saying works for me!
Of course it will, I mean, how can it not?! I SAID IT!!
note discreat sarcasm
I cant beleive it, your first night of trying and you had some success.
It must be the name…
Alex, alex!!
(someone who has no idea of what I’m talking about should read the following note!!)
The note: we have the same name and we both got a LD the first night!!! Maybe people with the same name get simular results… (not)
Lol, maybe (not) LOL hehe. Im hoping to try to have a LD tonight and is MILD in a dream then wake up then in a LD. I though it was going to sleep first time chanting a sentence in your head. Suddenly to fall asleep into a LD.
I have a friend called Alex, he said he tried and got one the first night too. =P
Hmm, This is weird Lol. It’s also pretty cool.
We have a magic name…
Is anyone else called Alex here?!
is thinking about changing her name to Alex now