Last night I became lucid and I really did have full control cuz even though I knew I shouldn’t, I tried to move in on a girl and have sex with her. Well it didn’t work and I got slapped so I obviously didn’t have much control. Any Tips?
yeah… try something else
now i like lucid sex as much (if not more) as the next guy, but when you’re starting out, it’s not the best idea. usually causes you to get too excited and wake up (hey it still does for me)
so you’ve established that you may not be good at controlling DCs, no biggie, find what you are good at. some people are just naturally good at flying, while other LDers struggle with getting off the ground, but the same people can conjure up any object they want, and that’s what the flyers struggle with
find a dream ability that you’re good at and practice with it. building your confidence with things you’re good at will help you when you start practicing what you’re not good at.
Maybe she just wasnt ready.
rofl hahahahaha yeah that happend to me also sometimes long long ago lol there are several ways to avoid this lol.
One of them is to start a bit slower…give the dc time to react on you lol
Ita a bit like water…when bump fast in it its like steel…when u bump slowly in it its soft like water lol.
You could also use many suggestions at the girl…voice commands.
Telling yourself u meet a horny girl or that she is horny etc etc
I sometimes use this funny typ not because its fast but because i like it and it feels great…
I look into the girls eyes and let my open flat hands touch her open flat hands.
i keep looking into her eyes and gently lol send a strong feeling that i like her through the eye contact…then slowly kiss her and after that slow start lol all goes fast
Sometimes i just give myself the suggestion lol that my horny energy is picked up by all girls in my dream and they come to me because of the atraction.
Doesnt always work but when it does its great fun lol
Hello fellows,
Lucid sex isn’t for me, I stick to real life. I tried to kiss a girl in a normal dream once and she pushed me in front a car and I woke up. That’s kind of similar. While lucid I’m to busy flying and doing other such things, visiting the crossroads and walking through mirrors. Lucid sex is on my to do list though, but there’s lots ahead of it. I still have to imagine who to have sex with in my lucid sex. I have a pretty good idea of a girl I know that I really don’t have a chance with, but it would be nice, shes really beautiful.
I find that if I stabilize my LD at the beginning I will have more control over my LD. In a lot of my first LD s I just jumped right into things and found that I had little control over my dreams. Now I take just a few seconds to stabilize my dreams at the beginning and I now have a lot more control over my LD s. It also won’t hurt if you remind yourself that it is a dream and that you are in charge. When interacting with dream characters tell them what to do and expect them to what you want. As an example, if I tell myself that a gold bar will appear in my right hand and I know that it will be there, it will. However, if I have any doubt that there will be a gold bar in my hand my chances that it will decrease dramatically. ( hope this makes sense)
Happy dreaming