disinterest during lucid dreams -- ???

i’ve touched on this in another topic but its come up again and again in my dreams and i think its the only thing keeping me from really becoming lucid. ive been trying for like a month to get a lucid dream. i started out really excited about it, doing like 15 watch checks a day, but now i’m doing around 5 slow, involved rc’s a day in which i trace back to where i was each hour ago. i dont keep a journal, but i have raised my dream recall to at least 1 dream per night and i think about the dream throughout the day.

i think i have been pretty close. what happens is, i realize that i am in a dream, but it just doesn’t seem real at all. the feeling is that i’m just imagining something to pass the time until i wake up. ===================the latest example of this, is that i noticed i was in a dream, and then imagined i was flying a sports car and doing insane stunts like barrel rolls but i was totally not interested. then, somehow the lucid dream turned into a normal dream, that was a simpsons episode in which bart has lucid dreams and does all sorts of crazy mischief.

if i figure out that i’m actually in a dream, everything just seems to be not real and i stop caring. any ideas?

well, if you did realise you we’re dreaming you were lucid.
as far as you’re interest while lucid can depend on many factors.
first being how lucid you were. to divide levels of lucidity in stages is too off. its alot more transitional than low, medium and high lucidity. you may have been in a lower degree of lucidity. sometimes its “im dreaming” and other times its “I AM DREAMING!”. the excitment is proportional to how keen you are to the fact you’re dreaming.
another thing that could’ve been that you’ve done so much for lucidity and you were rewarded with an inferior ld and it may of disheartened you.
duration, situation, and readiness could’ve affected you’re concept of what (to you) it should’ve been.


don’t let it discourage you.

Dont give up-it looks to me like low level of ld.Very low actually.Once you get proper higher level one im sue you will be amazed
Good luck:)