i got work in the mornings and i usually get about 2-5 hours of sleep at night so can i still ld? never done it before looking forward to it tho. also i have troulbe falling asleep. will this affect my dreams?
i heard that most dreams occur within 9 minutes before you wake up. so how can you close your eyes to sleep and hop right into a dream? sometimes im aware of my dreams and know ive been sleeping for a while and will wake up soon(like an internal clock, when u go to bed at 9 every night and alarm goes off at 7 each morning after a while you will wake up at 6:59 and watch it turn)
Well i didn’t recall having any dreams last night as i only got 3 hours sleep, im guessing i didn’t get to the right phase of sleep to dream. Usually when i have 6 - 9 hours of sleep i have excellent dream recall.
Very , that’s the way I’ve been sleeping for the past few days.
I have had an LD with 2-3 hrs of sleep. (but I drank coffee before going to bed again). For 2hrs my dream recall was excellent, but it could have been of the coffee.
nah i kinda just lounge around the house and play video games when im home. i figure 3hrs of gaming equates to 1hr of sleeping. not scientifially or anything just kinda how it is. im just never tired u know. ill feel sleepy around 12 but then it leaves me quickly and i get bored and play games for a few hours.
yea that rem thing is cool. i always wanted to watch someone when they were havong it and see if it looked like they were becoming demonized.
I have a full-time job and even if I didn’t, I require at least 7.5 hours of sleep a night. On weekends I can sleep 8-9 hours and when I was younger (I’m 33) I used to sleep even longer but I don’t feel I need it anymore and my back hurts if I sleep too long, but I digress.
I can have a dream as soon as I fall asleep (I guess that’s in the nREM stage) but I only remember it if I wake up, usually if I wake up it’s because I have to pee. But it’s widely known in this forum that dream periods increase the longer you stay asleep, so you probably could get lucid but your chances for dreaming, lucid or not, increase the more you sleep. And sleep is also when your body repairs itself, so you’re probably doing damage by not getting enough rest.
As a fellow gamer, I must tell you that gaming is not equivalent to sleeping, in fact, the longer I play and more tired I get, the crappier I play. I have to shut off my game when it gets too late because I can’t concentrate as well and it was always that way for me, even when I was younger.
And watching someone during REM sleep is okay but not always as “exciting” as watching someone demonized. I see my boyfriend dreaming periodically and he just twitches and makes little noises but sometimes it’s good for a laugh.