I had a dream a couple of weeks ago. I had been doing some research about LDing before the dream. I had a dream where i was not lucid untill the end of it(i think). Me and my freind were in a car in a parking lot (neither of us can drive) and we stepped out just as An actor from the TV show i was watching when I fell asleep did, and when I saw him I had an idea that i might be dreaming. He approached me and asked if i would be on the show and then I knew I was dreaming. I walked into the store we were standing behind and ignored the question, and a lady approached me in the store, asked me something, and walked away. I remember seeing one person in particular that i had never seen in RL before, and then I woke up. The reason I wonder if this was a lucid dream is because, in retrospect, i dont remember having senses in the dream, even though i may have when I was dreaming. Does this sound like a LD? Maybe A low-level? Thanks!
(by the way, im new here…so, hey!)