Do you think i was lucid?

I had a dream a couple of weeks ago. I had been doing some research about LDing before the dream. I had a dream where i was not lucid untill the end of it(i think). Me and my freind were in a car in a parking lot (neither of us can drive) and we stepped out just as An actor from the TV show i was watching when I fell asleep did, and when I saw him I had an idea that i might be dreaming. He approached me and asked if i would be on the show and then I knew I was dreaming. I walked into the store we were standing behind and ignored the question, and a lady approached me in the store, asked me something, and walked away. I remember seeing one person in particular that i had never seen in RL before, and then I woke up. The reason I wonder if this was a lucid dream is because, in retrospect, i dont remember having senses in the dream, even though i may have when I was dreaming. Does this sound like a LD? Maybe A low-level? :help: Thanks!

(by the way, im new here…so, hey!)

hey enm! Glad you’ve joined the forum! Sounds to me like you did have a low leval LD, It sounded like you knew it was a dream but didn’t think to do anything different or to really do anything or feel anything at all. I had these small LD’s for a while before having really good ones, I got frustrated that I wanted LD’s so much in RL, but when it came down to the actual sleeping part my body wouldn’t even care that I was having a LD. Don’t worry, soon you’ll have full force LDs it may just take a couple of these small ones first :happy: good luck!

thanks! I hope so!

Hey, welcome to the forum ENM135. Sounds very much like your average beginning LD! Good job and keep up the motivation! As for me… my body is getting heavier… my eyelids are getting heaavviierrr…
Let’s get that WBTB going, eh? If you want a way to speed up your progress…