of course. When I wake up during the night, it’s much easier to recall dreams, without confusing them with other dreams.
Waking up to recall helps me to remember the first dream of the night, since the last one seems to “overwrite” some parts of it, remembering just some fragments of the first one.
By the way, I’m proving a new technique to improve recalling, it seemed to work very well. I’m going to write it down shortly .
When I first started working on my DR, I started spontaneously waking up in the middle of the night and remembering dreams, even though I never even thought of doing that for better DR! However, it didn’t really work out for me because I was too tired to write down my dreams, and I’m a bit of an insomniac, so I lost a significant amount of sleep that way. If you don’t have that trouble, then waking up in the middle of the night might help your DR. You can also count it as WBTB while you’re at it.
I was able to remember about 7-8 dreams one morning when I woke up without waking in the middle of the night. However, I lost most of them because I couldn’t process that many memories of dreams at once! If I had woken up once or twice in the night, I might have remembered them all.
After waking during the night for many nights without having enough time do sleep properly, you’ll start to feel tired and when much tired, the only dream you recall may be meaningless…
I have to pee each night at 3. when I wake up I normally have 1 or 2 dreams to write down. after that I wake up maybe 3-4 times after having dreamt to write things down.
I’ve kept a dreamjournal for 11 years. every night between 1-8 dreams. usually about 2.
I usually spontaneously wake up early in the morning and most of the time I try to get myself to go and write my last dream (there’s at most one). It’s good way to get some more focus on LDing before one falls asleep again. And indeed I got my first LD this way just today.
Im not waking at night, olny about a hour before i have to get up. I mostly dont remember dreams then.
At the weekends, i have more time to sleep, so i have more dreams i am waking up several times at morning. I am having MORE dreams. If i wont wake that few times, i’d have LONGER dream. One or two intead of bunch of them (about 5 of them) .
But situation like this is more comfotable for me. I am having more chanses to practise WILD and MILD, so there is bigger propability of getting lucid. When so, i am able to make dream way longer, so i will not wake up until i will have to.
As far as waking up goes you awaken somewhere on the order of 10-15 times per night (most are quickly forgotten). In order to remember dreams you must wake and and then do something to rmemeber them. If you woke up from a dream and said “That’s nice” and went back to bed you would forget it because essentially we have built in dream erasers that make us quickly forget the dreams.
Hehe, for me it’s kind of the other way around - I always wake up after every dream! I only ever remember one dream per sleep, and I always remember my dreams, so by default, every time I wake up, I always remember one dream! I can’t seem to do it any other way. I may get several dreams in a night, but only if I wake up several times and go back to sleep again. Otherwise, there seems to be only one for me to remember!
That is what I was referring to when I said that you wake up between 10-15 times a night, a good half of these are awakenings from dreams, poor dream recall tends to be a result of not making a point to note your dreams during these awakenings.
It depends for me Depends on a lotta things But mostly how many dreams I have that night. If I have 7 or more dreams I usually wake up at least twice. Anything 5 and under and I just wake up once
Some dreams I remember more than others, obviously and I always LD if I have to wake up twice
Sometimes though, my dreams are just continuations of others (like those TV cliffhanger episodes ) and that makes it easier to remember