When doing the WILD technique, I preform a self hypnosis technique to get relaxed, then I start counting saying “i’m dreaming” between each number. Evantually, i’ll change it to “i’m falling into the dream” and I feel as if i’m falling. But when i’m falling my heart beats fast and the sensation of falling scares me so much i’m totally broken out of my relaxed state. I’ve tried using other ways of getting into my dream like jumping in but it doesn’t much work for me.
Yes this happens quite offten with WILD. There are a number of things about WILD that can cause people to get scared and stop. You ether have to learn to remain calm when this happens, or switch to a different tech. You should read the Big WILD topic befor you try WILD. There is a lot explaned there, like things that could happen, and that are quite normal and not a problem as long as you remain calm.
We’re actually debating at the moment whether or not the increased heartbeat is real or a hynagogic hallucination. Im more inclined to believe its HH because after I fail my WILD attempt, my heart is beating normally for my relaxation state (65ish times a minute) as opposed to what I think it was beating at when I was ‘falling’ (waaay faster).
yeah i get the same thing, i notice the slightest cchange in my body condition, and i get all exited. i dont feel that exited when i LD so it must be a halucination
the only thing that anooys me is that it makes me far far too aware to WILD properly (its an endless circle)
(EDIT: corrected mispelling of “too” (oh I’m so embaressed))
I felt the increased heart rate today for the first time. It kind of scared me, but I remembered that it was probably just HH, so it didn’t scare me that much…
What did scare me was when I experienced HH without even trying to WILD. Imagine that you’re trying to fall asleep normally. You’re almost there, barely concious, and suddenly you feel yourself sliding out of the bed! It happened to me twice, caught me by surprise the first time. It kind of caught me by surprise the second time, too, since I thought it was a fluke the first time. I’d like to go with it and see what happens, but it hasn’t happened since.
I use to feel the same way whenever i tried that. I would feel a vibration and something pulling me out of my physical body. I tried to tell myself not to get scared and it just didnt seem to work and id awake my body or my thoughts would wonder and id fall asleep forgeting what i was trying to do. I sugest you dont try that untill your ready and have no fear. Its the same thing with astral projecting and you cant do anything but wait untill you ready.
I think that might be from using HH to LD. Your body is probably so used to it, that it makes it.
Hmm, I don’t know… I haven’t even successfully entered an LD via WILD thus far. These instances were a year or two ago, at which point I had even less practice with WILD. I think it might be more closely related to laying on my back… I hardly ever fall asleep on my back, but both of these instances happened when I was laying on my back. Actually, I think those two times might’ve been the only times I almost fell asleep on my back since discovering LD. Maybe I should try it again one of these days.
I had a bit more sucess tonight. I felt a way heavier sense of falling and rapid vibrations. Even that sensation of falling is amazing. I kind of wasted my first lucid dream on a petty “fantasy”, maybe if I get another one i’ll try to do something enlightening like asking for my spirit guide.
whats really gets me is when I start feeling vibrations in my leg. They definatly feel real, but I’m not sure if they are or not.
hmm i have these feelings when doing WBTB + WILD , anyways i calm myself and tell myself its ok , after a while the sensation’s stop and i find myself in a lucid dream
I used to until I realized that all of the sensations, sights, sounds, etc. where not real and just the feeling of my body falling asleep with an awake mind.
I was trying to WILD last night so I counted steps on stairs (in my mind). I lost it because my whole body felt like I was falling, I’m kind of dissapointed because I moved, I felt really close!
For this it is easier to be comfortable if I counted instead of thinking about, say, how I fell like I needed to move my foot.
The only times i succeeded with WILD I felt no strange sensations. Everytime I do feel them, I tell myself to go with it. But I always think of the times I got scared, and begin to anticipate getting scared again. The worst part is the feeling that i am not breathing enough. Along with a sensation of my brain spinning backwards and the feeling of disintegrating, being Faint. in the sense that I am barely there. Reminds me of the worst anxiety attack of my life. If i can just get over that I’ll be fine.
That’s how I felt, the brain spinning. I felt like I wasn’t getting enough air, too. Kind of like, traveling backwards far away from something.
Maybe “I’m walking into the dream” or some such would be better. Walking is not as scary as falling.
Or floating, that is more like falling, but lets you stay relaxed.