Does DR and LD's become harder if you go to sleep very late?

I’m gonna have some free time for about a month now, and since I’m a bit of a night-owl I’m no doubt gonna go to bed kind of late, like 2-3 AM or something.
Now I’m wondering, will this be bad for my lucid dreaming potential in some way if I still sleep enough to reach those longer REM stages?
The winters in my country are kind of dark, and right now it gets dark already at 4-5 PM and will stay dark until late in the morning (half past 7, more or less), so the darkness in itself doesn’t really make a difference, but how important is it to go to sleep at a certain time?
For example, should I go to sleep before midnight or can I safely aim at sleep times between 2-10 or 3-11 AM?

It most likely will have an effect / effects to DR and LDs if you sleep in very late, but I don’t think the time at which you sleep at does not matter so much as the time spent sleeping.

I usually go to sleep at around 12, but this past week (and some other times) I went to sleep at around 3 am and woke up at around 2pm (Too much sleep, not so great). However, I still had a fairly nice DR (no LDs though).

I sleep at 2-3 AM, and I get mot of my LDs at 9-12 pm ^^