does lucid dreaming feel real?

like as if you werent really dreaming? i havent had one yet and this might be a stupid question but im curious right now and will like to know. thanks.

The higher quality ones I often find more real than reality. They are so vivid and detailed, you’d think you walked into a parallel universe. They have a cornucopia of colors, textures, smells, tastes, sounds, and personality. Each dream character IS an inhabitant of your mind, and has a personality all their own. Yes, it’s real. :content:

It’s hard to distinguish between dreaming and being awake, since when I remember even normal dreams very vividly, they seem as real too! Our mind is very good at tricking us to thinking that we’re awake and “really there”. In a LD it just often has to do more to achieve the feeling of reality since the dreamer has realised it’s a dream and can think more critically.

Once in a LD, I wanted to see how accurately I can see something in a dream. I was in a school cafeteria and there was food on my plate, so I started to look at it closely. There was rice on it, so I closely looked at the individual rice grains, and I could see that it looked just as in reality. However, it was too late to try to convince me. :happy:

It can seem as real as waking. And, as mentioned, it can feel even MORE real (if that makes sense).

It’s so realistic that if your not careful, you may duplicate real-life effects, like poor eyesight and gravity. But, if you realize that you don’t need to follow real-world laws, you can do anything.

I just had my first lucid dream last night I think. I realized I was dreaming, but it still seemed like a bizarre dream world, and things were still strange and unexpected, but when I woke up I began to doubt whether or I was lucid or just dreaming about lucid dreaming. In other words it still seemed very unreal. I had control like in real life, but the world was really screwed up, and seemed too fake and unclear for me to be a lucid dream as described by others. Perhaps it’s just shoddy dream recall or my rational mind coming back into play, I don’t know.

Don’t give up, low-lucidity dreams are common for beginners. Keep at it, you’ll be amazed when you get one with high lucidity. (And even the bizzarro dreams can be quite fun.)

I still haven’t gotten my first high LD. I’m still trying, it’s been about a month since I started. I’ve only had 3 low level LDs. Well I also haven’t been trying to hard, maybe thats why I’m not getting LDs…hhhhhmmmmm… maybe…