Does WBTB disrupt a nights rest? Do you need to sleep for a whole night to feel fully rested and recover properly?
Erm… I naturally WBTB, so if I didn’t take advantage of it, I’d get the same amount of rest anyway…
Think of the UberMan sleep program - you have 5 small sleeps a day. Well that is nothing like WBTB, but a less extreme version of it IS - im talking about biphasic sleeping. Biphasic sleeping is where you have 2 sleeps every 24 period. That is effectively what you end up with with WBTB.
So i would say no, though i have no experience with WBTB.
no. I feel more refreshed after WBTB, and even more refreshed if it works. If you only stay up 30-60 minutes, it should be fine (depending on how much sleep you normally get, and how often you WBTB).
No, it doesn’t. In fact, before the advent of electricity (I think it’s called the pre-industrial age or something), people (at least in Europe) naturally did a form of WBTB. Not actually for dreaming purposes, it’s just what they did. They went to bed around 10pm, and woke up early in the morning for about an hour to meditate/pray and then went back to bed until about sunrise. Good stuff
Note: I read this in an article a while ago, if I can find the article I’ll cite it, because it was really interesting.
I don’t believe so, because REM (dreams) is when rest occurs. so if you interupt a dream while it fades, you’ll have both a good rest, AND be able to write down your dream!
Sometimes I do WBTB. So I’d say no, it won’t do it.
I agree with the rest of the peeps here mainly because I always have to get up to go to the bathroom every. single. night.
It’s what you get from drinking way to much water.
But it really hasn’t affected me at all, even if I stay up 30 minutes rather then 30 seconds.