…being lucid in dreams!!
This post is for thse who wants to lucid dream and usually find difficult to wake up.
Here is my method that helped me to have the few LD’s I had (by de way, I didn’t have more LD because I don’t followed it since my last LD)
-Adjust your sleep hours for waking up in the middle or end of a REM stage, knowing that each sleep cycle last about 90-100 minutes and each REM stage lasts about 10-20 min. of the end of each cycle
-Try to wake up instantly, being the morning the most lucid moment of the day; making some exercise may help. Remember that the more lucid you become in RL, the more chances are that you are lucid in dreams
-Don’t worry about dream recall if you wake up so fast: after waking up and doing some RC, relax and try to recall dreams, if you don’t recall anything, say “surely tomorrow I’ll remember something”; if you’re using a dream diary, write down every day everything you recall, even if you don’t recall anything (“No dream recall today”, “remember having a dream, was something white”)
-Try to beat the alarm clock, waking up minutes before the alarm clock rings, let’s say, your alarm at 7:30; wake up at 7:20
-You can cheat with something that wakes you up at 7:20 that isn’t the alarm clock and longs for seconds (something that you don’t need to shut off) for example 10 seconds of very loud heavy music (after some days you may wake up seconds before music/noise starts ) I use computer for programming that 10 sec music (it’s 24h turned on)
-Most important of all: make RC every time you wake up, be lucid and act like you are clearing a dream
-After a week or 2, low the volume of the pre-alarmclock signal so it can wake you in a dream
Also try to stay lucid along the day… because… You’re dreaming!!!
Cya whops!
EDIT: If you are trying so hard to recall dreams (relaxing after a sudden wake up) later will be much easier recalling dreams the normal way