Dream Disruptions

Have you ever been waken up out of a dream? I hate those. Especially great ones

Actually, it’s always the really great dreams I get woken up from :content:. I hate it, too, but if a good dream of mine is not finished it will always be continued the minute I fall back asleep :smile:.

I almost had a WILD completely unintentionally while starting to take a nap. Just as I was entering the dream scene, my phone rang!!! :cry:

:content: Lol–That’s happened to me a few times.

“Hello?” :yaaawn:
“What?” :blush:
“Robbed!?” :unsure:
“…You stopped me from saving Narnia to tell me THAT!?”

Haha, when people wake me up, I fall asleep again and dream I woke up and am doing the daily chores :grin:

The phone once woke me up out of a good dream I was having :grrr: . I could just kill it for doing that

One of my friends (i won’t mention any names) has probably interrupted more dreams by phone calls than anything else has. On the other side, i have had some nice LDs from going back to sleep :cool:

My parents allways wake me up during my best dreams. T_T Who needs school anyway? XD

Sometimes I kinda wake my self up, like I’ll be having a really nice dream, and something like a car will fly past me really fast in my dream and I kinda get knocked back into IWL. =(

I have very often awoke from nice dremas .

Sometimes it is just my pure excitement

I’ve been woken up by the phone a lot… not so much now, but when my dad was working at home it was pretty much constant.

I’ve been woken up from dreams. Not so much by the phone but from the people I live with.

It stinks that they wake you during an awesome dream but when you’re having a nightmare they sleep right through that.