Ok, this is really starting to scare me. I’m starting to have flash backs of my dreams… They just randomly happen to me when events in real life remind me of a dream. All of a sudden I “relive” the dream, as though I’m really there. They happen at all times of the day, and very random. Is there any way to stop this???
You’re correct DreamAddict… I’ve been Google-ing my issue and I have found some other forums on health websites and other website talking abotu dreams. But no one seems to know the cause or cure for this.
A trouble of the memory exists, which looks like that. When you remember something, you don’t imagine it, but you experience it again as if it was real. I don’t know its name, and I don’t know how it happens exactly.
[Edit] I found it. Paramnesia : a disorder of memory in which dreams or fantasies are confused with reality.
But are you sure that what you describe is not just deja vu ?
Hmm… i have never heard of anyone experiencing something similar. It sounds really interesting to me, but i guess it cannot be very if it is happening when you dont want it… Would not be very fun if this happened while driving a car.
Yes, it’s not Deja Vu… because I have Deja Vu and I can tell the differance between reality and the memory. Paramnesia, after much research, sounds almost exactly as what I am experiancing!!
It happens to me, few months ago, that I had some confusion between dreams memories and true memories, but nothing like you have.
Couldn’t it be a side effect of the SSRI you take ?
Decrease or stop your dream practises for a week or two (RC’s and dream recall), and if the problem continues, tell it to your physician.
I have experienced something similar to what you have described. At times during the day I will come across or experience something which all of a sudden helps me recall a whole dream. It’s not like Iam physically back in the dream so much as it is a memory aid. I dont know what to call it. Anyhow, it will make me say to myself “Oh yeah, I had a dream about…”
I’ve had the same dreams over and over when i’m asleep. There have been a number of times when I have said in a dream “I’ve had this dream before” and I know that is going to happen in the dream. Its so fun. I say to the people in the dream “This in a dream, and I have had it before, I know whats going to happen next” they are all “Sure, whatever!” They dont believe so I tell them what happens next and totally shock them. Its really quite fun!! Except when I have a scary dream, but at least I know what happens so I can wake myself up before anything does happen!
Some times when I’m awake, I randomly remember whole dreams that I have had. Its when I do something in real life that I did in my dream.
I dont know if it is the same thing you are talking about tho!!
Hi Kimmy !
What you’re talking about is “recurring dreams”. It’s a luck for you, because you can practise MILD and suggest yourself that, next time you have such a dream, you’ll become lucid ! It could be particularly interesting with nightmares, because you won’t have to wake up : once lucid, you can create a bazooka and destroy monsters …or in a more pacific way, ask them how do they do and make new dream friends
But it’s not at all what The Fiend describes : it seems he has a memory disorder that makes him relive dreams he had… but in real life.
I wonder if he found a solution and is better now…