Dream help >_>

Last night was weird. Very weird. This dream spanned over two “days” in the dream world place, and it was weird, it was what I can only describe, as the apocalypse come true,And there was a fuckload of vampires, all attacking, well, EVERYWHERE, it didnt matter where you went, they where just… there. I dont recall much, other than we where trapped in a church. There was a fair number of survivors there, and there was also a girl, or maybe it was just a presence. The scene start off at night, and Im running from a whole bunch of these guys. The Presence / girl jumped out of a dark alley, and killed them, or, even, disabled them, I cant remember, she said something to me, and we both started running for this church, and where pounding on the door, and they where swarming around us. Eventually the door opens, and we stumble in. There was around four of them and they where boarding up windows, one of them threw me a rifle and said “You’ve had experience, keep fighting”. One of the windows smash in, and I fire like hell, keeping my bursts short, but accurate, and the presence is fighting, and I fire a little too much, and the kickback of the rifle knocks my shoulder out of alignment, the presence finishes them off and rams a board onto the window and begins hammering. Eventually we had boarded up all the doors and windows, no way in, I sit down, silent, not concentrating, Im tired, and I look up, and see a slate on top of the building moving, I let out a shout and four of them fall in, and somehow… Im outside the church then,

I’m seeing a Cellar being opened, and Im looking at these two… vampires, is the only thing I can describe them as, they’re opening this cellar door, and laughing insanely as they pour something into it, it was red, and in the dream, Im thinking it was paint, it was flammable certainly… but thinking back, it may have been blood, I digress, they’re laughing insanely, and the paint/blood splatters over them, and they set fire to themselves, throwing themselves into this cellar. Thinking back, they’re faces where painted like… rock stars kinda, all white, with painted eyes, and a look of extreme hate for everything on their eyes… it was freaky. But the door opens and the suns rising, all the undead run like hell, and I dive inside the church, alive, and safe, and the presence smacks me on the head, and shouts “DONT BE A HERO, FOOL”.

And we sit around a table, working out a plan, trying to bring in more survivors, And we all flee in our seperate directions, trying to bring in more survivors, and I reach a house, and burst in the door, there’s two of the undead resting there, the first one is killed by the sun and the other one recieves 4 bullets in the head from me. I kick over their corpses, and theres a kid there, I pick up the kid, push him out the door, and followed behind him, darkness beginning to fall, and theres a sort of rumbling, somethings coming, something didnt want us surviving, and it was pissed, we ran like hell and jumped in, everyones back already, Im late, the presence is pissed at me.

I push the kid in the door, and reload my gun, Im watching out a glass door, that wasnt there before, undead clawing at it, and a few people are outside, actual people, and they’re kicking and fighting, one of thems knocking on the door, trying to get in, I open it enough to let two in, and they come in, the undead back off, everythings quiet, and people relax. I sit down inthe corner, and the kids behind me. Theres conversation going on, and Im trying to stay awake, and I feel the kids arms around my neck, I rest backwards, and close my eyes, and I open them, suddenly I open them, I know something is wrong, Im sitting in the corner, suddenly, a door next to me bursts open, and one of the undead burst in, everything hits slow motion suddenly. the presence is running for the opposite corner, the hands around my neck tighten and a knife flicks out, I hear the words.

“You fool”

and then it hits ultra slow motion. the presence jumps through the wall, everyones running, but this kid… vampire thing is preventing me from moving, the guy who jumped through cuts down two of the survivors in one flowing motion, the presence rolls through the door, jumping up, and cutting down an undead, its a fully fledged battle. And Im sort of whispering to myself “Im going to die” and the vampire behind me whispers “Yes”, and I feel the blade piercing my throat, my body falls limp, and falls to the ground. Everything is black. Im sleeping. I sleep. Black. Like my dreams for the vast majority of this week.

Uh, hi ^^;; Im a friend of ashvuras, and shes mentioned this place has helped her nearly achieve lucidity in helping her with dreams, and well… here I am…

Anyway, my dreams lately have been quite rightly scaring the hell outta me, I’ve been crushed, stabbed, shot, impaled, and, just plain killed, a fair number of times, and the sad thing is, Im feeling the pain each time it happens, Hopefully, someone can help me solve this -.-

Best thing to do is to become lucid and smash those monsters. Actually, confront your “presence” if you become lucid and ask her what the fighting is all about. Just… try to remember… when you’re feeling pain, you are dreaming. Every single time. Get it in your head. Good luck. By the way, I would love to have your dreams, they are really cool. I’ve had. what two dreams like that I remember… they were epic as well. I was feeling really good when I woke up because it was so exciting. Of course I died, but it was all good. Do your best to become lucid. Oh yeah, welcome to the forum, too!