Dream in a dream that your LDing?

Ok wierd. When I say I “woke up”, it means in the dream. It wasnt like a false awakening. Here it is from my DJ.

: I had a dream that I was LDing. I took a LD pill that I made taste like chocolate. I really had no control. I dreamed I was LDing. I did the RC where you hold your nose, it kind of worked and didn’t. I also spun around and rubbed my hands together. I was talking to Jonathan in the dream. When I ‘woke up” he didn’t remember. It was in the dream though. I had no control, and dreamed I was LDing. Thats a brief summary.

Happened to me once twice. Once, I’m pretty sure I had no real control or even real lucidity, only dreamt lucidity, and once I think I had a level of control. It happens, especially when you think about dreams much. :content:

Yea I had a real LD once. This was just like a WTF moment lol.