Reading the subject of this topic, you’d think “well duh, of course being able to manipulate your dreams means you’re low-level lucid!”.
Well, I don’t know. Maybe it is, I suppose, but it feels a lot different than the LD’s I’ve had and I am not really putting any effort right now into achieving LD’s at all. Yet the past two months or so I have been starting to get dreams where at some point I manipulate the dream to my advantage, without actually becoming lucid. It’s also different from normal dreaming, because I’m not going along with the flow of the dream.
It’s as if, in the dream, I have accepted the ability to manipulate them as something normal, rather than a result of lucidity.
Some examples:
Me, my brother and my mom were standing on a glass platform that took us to the top of a skyscraper. Then my brother jumped off. I jumped after him in an attempt to rescue him. I realised I’d fall to my death as well, and then I thought “Oh, I can just grow wings anyway” and poof, wings were there and I could save my brother.
Last night I dreamt some other guy was in my boyfriend’s bed and first he fooled me, but then I realised I wanted my guy back. But the other one wouldn’t go away. I told him to go away, but he wouldn’t. Again some part of me realized that I had the ability to change the situation. I let myself fall backwards, I fell through the floor and landed on my bf’s bed, with him there. ^_^; This time it felt more lucid than the previous - and what I did was somehow escaping one scene and reshaping a new one.
(I’ve also done that falling-backwards thing before to change or escape a dream.)
I guess I’m just interested if other people have experienced this outside of lucid dreaming, without any effort. It seems as if my subconscious over the years has simply picked up the fact that I can manipulate my dreams, even when I’m not aware that I’m dreaming - or you could consider this a state of low-level lucidity, where at some point I know I’m dreaming and use that information, but I’m just not fully aware of it.
In any case, now that this is happening, I should put more effort into RC’s and LD’ing again… who knows, maybe I’ll get some
Don’t you mean high-level lucidity?
I’ve had similar experiences. One I can think of now is that I was looking for a friend, and saw a person, and I though that If I expect it to be him, it will be him, and it was. But I was not lucid. I think it works simply because we don’t have the same rational, analysing capabilities as when we are lucid that in a way works against us because we don’t only remember that we can change things, we also remember that we can fail. Something we may have picked up through experience that we in our non lucid or low-level lucid states don’t remember. Also it’s like the dream does it for us. It’s more likely to happen to lucid dreamers since to us such a thing as manipulating our experience is not that uncommon.
I remember one time in a low level lucid dream, unvivid and unconcentrated. I could fly higher than any other lucid dream, and I had more control.
Some people call thoes pre-lucid dreams.
To be lucid, you have to know that you are dreaming. I have had that type of dream. I some how knew that I could control the dream, I even rewound some dreams and changed the action to help myself.
They are diffent the most ND’s, but are not LD’s. They are what got me intersted in LD’ing.
I has a few of those as well a bit ago. They were more along the lines of telekinesis, magic and other silly explanations however. But I certainly think dreamers develop a feeling that dreams can be manipulated that flows over into NDs.
A friend of mine avoids nightmares by pressing start-select(he’s an 8-bit fan) to end the dream. I don’t think it’s a lucid act, that’s just what he’s used to do when something goes wrong.
Definitely not, since I’m not very lucid, if at all. That’s the thing I can’t figure out. I think it’s mostly an ND, but it could also be low-level lucidity. Maybe it’s just whatever you name it. @_@
That’s odd - usually, the more lucid you are, the more you are in control. Then again, when I get a LD, I only spend most of my time trying to not fall back into a ND.
Hmmm… they’re definitely interesting. If they are pre-lucid, I gotta find a way to turn the dream lucid from that point, it’d be a great trick. RC’s stopped working for me after some time because my dream would just make everything so realistic!
Yeah, that’s pretty much it. It’s funny how your subconscious picks up on LD’s this way. I hope I get more of these pre-lucid dream things so I can experiment :o
I actually misunderstood. I thought you said a Low-level as opposed to a high-level. Not a low-level as opposed to a ND.
I now also realised I didn’t express myself right. I meant i could control my flight more. Not overall more control, because I didn’t do anything else.
I would say the exact opposite to that. I control all my dreams to some extent, and they are definitely not lucid. I never had a single LD in my life until last year, and the difference between LDs and NDs for me is enormous, but nothing to do with control.
Sure, I control things, but my control is limited to what I believe is possible. Depending on the type/setting/events of the dream, it varies a lot. It’s always bewildered me the way a lot of people associate control of dreams with lucidity, because for me they have always been very separate things.