Dream Objects and what they do in Your LD

I might’ve posted this as a theory but instead I’d just like to hear from peeps what certain or various dream objects actually do in their own LDs. I was thinking that maybe the same object may do something different in one’s dream than in another’s.

Like for example, I can create a temporal wake portal–but all it does is let dream objects go in but not out, and when I try to get a DC to go IN–the portal basically visibly chews the DC up and spits it out in a big mess. So I thought “I wonder if everyone’s temporal wake does that…”

So yeah…
What kind of dream objects do you guys use that do funny/cool things? :content:

I found something called a Tuscany Blade in a jeweler’s shop once - it was a large pocket knife with two blades, one that came out either end. It didn’t do anything, it was just a knife… But I spent a while examining all of the elaborate carvings and jewel-work on it.

Another thing I found was some sort of grease gun, made of aluminum. It had two large metal handles that were hinged together to squeeze the grease out. I spent the remainder of the dream disassembling the thing and playing with all the little pieces of it.

I could go on - but that’s basically the idea. Usually objects I find don’t have powers or anything, they’re just intricate toys.

[color=darkblue]I once had a dream where these two girl DC’s had a magic cube.

It was white and smooth but sometimes morphed a little and had visible cubes within it (like a rubix cube).

It had a certain power that anyone holding it would get. The strange thing was, nobody really knew what that power was, but everyone wanted it!

I remember at one point, my dad ran off with it and I ran and got it back off him to give back to the DC’s.

I think it had the ability to open up some sort of portal- sometimes I would look into it and it became transparent, revealing an eerie sort of transparent world.

One of the girls gave me it and said I can look at it and I studied it for a while before waking up…[/color]

The only one I can think of is a remote control that I used to darken the sky, then light it up again, but the stars were still there. It didn’t work that well but the interesting part was when i turned it over. It just wouldn’t. It was the same on both sides but strangely my hand was in the same position on both sides. Very strange. I can’t even piece together how it worked visually. because it seemed natural.

I recently came across something known as a ‘dream dispenser’. It basically dispensed ball shaped dreams from one of three holes in a long purple plastic rectangle. There was a similar rectangle that you were supposed to insert the balls in order to view them. I never actually saw either working.