Dream or Lucid Credit

I’ve always wondered if :uptosomething: using powers in LD taxes your lucidity. I had LDs were, after flying or passing through walls, I would be bumped down to a ND or just fadeout :tryfly:, and I’ve also suspected the Spinning Technique as some sort of LD drain :spinning:(-:. Even when the spinning technique returns visuals, the dream is typically dull in appearance and sensations :bored:.

Lately in my meditations, I’ve been frustrated by swaying focus and falling asleep during visualisation attempts :om::@#$!:. I hardly get any images these days, only the same old nebulous swirl, so I used interrupted sleep last night, 02:30 hours, then wake, then 02:30 hours more, and so on. My dream recall was more vivid :cool:.

This is my last and clearest dream recall: I dreamt I was in a town square. With curiosity and expectation :look:, I used my powers :wizard: to rip planks and some beams away from the ground by gesturing with my right palm. The underground was exposed and I watched the lava flow beneath with intrigue. The town people were distressed so I used my powers to repair the damage. I was tired but I repaired some other parts of the town too. The people were very grateful :adored:. There was a problem room in a building and I just couldn’t fix it. I told them and I heard them discussing it when a female said, “it’s damp, he’s too exhausted”. Then I woke without transition :eek:, eyes closed. I tried a FA test by seeing if I could see through my closed eyelids :moon:, but no such luck. I was quite awake :universe:.

I wonder if :uh:, even though I had spent all night trying to catch the moment, using powers impeded my lucidity through some sort of Dream or Lucid Tax :yinyang:.

Comments welcomed,


Your question is very interesting. Too bad that nobody answers so far. :sad:
Someone on a french forum said that the same problem occurs when he creates landscapes ( dream fading ). Did someone notice something like that ?

when we use our powers we use our imagination. And the more we use our brain the more we would wake up coz we would activate ourself too much. Thats my theory. I use to wake up from my lds noticing i am just kinda daydreaming…

i think that when we use our powers we got to do it slowly and make sure our dreaming mind (sub-consious) thinks that he was creating the images and not the consios mind.

hope this make sence, i’ts too hard to explain things in english :bored:

Ditto Basilus :wink:, and thanks for breaking the ice :good:. I was starting to wander whether this topic was totally uninteresting :confused:.

Fixos, your hypothesis make perfect(ish) sense :ok:. Way back when I started LDing. I had a low level LD where I search for a Dream Guru/Guide for the entire dream :angry:. I didn’t find one :scream:. At present, my ultimate (next) LD goal :angel_fly: is to create a dream :yinyang: clone :yinyang: of myself. He will have the ability to continue from dream to dream :om:, and he will make me lucid at the beginning of every dream :wizard:. If I then wanted a ND, ha :roll:, I could gear down by my own choice. I think you might still say, overexertion :bounce:, according to your theory :neutral:.
