I have woken up without remembering a single dream of mine three days last week. But then in mid-morning, it suddenly “comes back” to me, usually after encountering something “similar” to my dream. Here’s an example of a dream and how I remembered it in reality:
The Dream (it was much more vivid than this, but I’ll only type the fragment that helped me remember):
I was sitting in a red theatre while a man I did not know performed a song on stage.
I woke up, not able to remember any of the dream. I tried to use my “lighting point” method, but I could not recall the setting. Later, I decided to listen to my iPod. Suddenly, in the middle of a song, I not only recalled the theater dream, but also a second dream! The song I was listening to was the same song as the one in my dream sung by that man. As far as I can remember, the lyrics were the exact same.
I hurried to get my DJ, and used my lighting point method now that I remembered the setting. This time, the method worked, and the dream became very vivid and took up quite some space in my DJ.
I find this interesting because that Deja Vu feeling was because of something I dreamed, and never actually experienced. Does anybody else experience this, and can it be used to improve dream recall?
I have actually been experiencing that a lot lately, guess it must have something to do with all the dreamrelated thinking I’m doing these days. Anyways, it’s very weird when it happens, very surrealistic, but very cool too. I guess it could be a interesting way to relive dreams.
I usually wake up thinking “oh, I can’t remember anything” and then suddenly I think WAIT I dreamed this this and this… It’s because my brain doesn’t want me to remember them.
I know exactly what you are talking about. Sometimes I recall dreams in pretty much detail when I wake up and it very quickly slips from me again.
Then, through the day it comes back.
With me it´s that it´s things, persons etc. that trigger this remembering of a dream. I look at things during the day and if they happen having played a role in a dream, it snaps back to me.
That has happened to me a few times before too. I was dreaming that I could move so fast that the worls around me looked slower, if it wasn’t at a complete stop. So then a girl ,who can move almost as fast, starting throwing things at me.
In the morning I couldn’t remember anything, then I went to play a game where you had slow motion abilities, and my dream popped into my head.
Nearly all dreams that I remember, feel like I’ve done them in real life before. It’s odd. All of them are stupid dreams, so I didn’t do them, obviously.