Dream Recall Sucks Eggs :P

hello, um yeah my dream recall sucks “the gum of the bottom of my shoe”

I have a Dream Journal That i write in when i can but whats the point if you have
NO memory of the dream in the morning anyway, Right?

Last dream was in April and It was Ten seconds long,
and it was me walking, Thats it! :sad:

I have been trying to WILD every other night for a couple of years now but no success.

What should i do to help my dream recall? im stumped like a tree trunk! :help:

P.S. I got the “Nova Dreamer” Off of " Ebay" today,
it will be here ether Friday or Monday morning.

wat is the nova dreamer

Basic Description= Sends you into a Lucid Dream

Need more info Google it its TO big to type up

If you use an alarm in the mornings to wake yourself up, it will most likely startle you awake and you will lose probably lose any memory you may have had.

To counteract this, you just need to tell yourself that you will wake up at a certain time just before you go to sleep(I recommend about 15 minutes before you usually do). I tried this for the first time just last night, and it couldn’t have worked better.

Also remember to write ANYTHING down, regardless of how trivial it is. A feeling, an emotion, a color, anything.