I know that if you wright down any dreams that you have had the previouse night will allow you to have better DR.
However I have been working on my DR for a long time now and my DR is still pathetic ( see my DJ. That is 3 months of dreams there! )I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to increase your DR While being awake.
Say i am in class and nothing is going on I can do this and it will help with my DR.
Sometimes I will remember a bit of some dream later on in the day, but the majority of my recall comes right after I wake up. The very best time is immediately after waking, and if you don’t move around too much and just think of what your dream was, you’ll remember it, and as you recall one a couple things, often other bits fall into place.
I don’t really try anything to remember dreams, I just enjoy them so I think about what I dreamt about after I wake up. Of course, the more often I wake up the better. Days were I get to sleep in are the best because I can wake up, and then fall back asleep a couple times in the morning.
Dude i know what you mean, like for me i have jack squat for dream recall… but often times during the day ill think back to some little 5-10 second memory i had and ill be like… wait that never happend in real life and im like meh another dream… it never comes to me in the morning, i need help too.
One thing you could do is increase your intention to remember dreams, throughout the day tell yourself that you will remember your dreams when you wake up from them, and then continue affirming this like usual as you go to sleep.
Sometimes I just remember a dream when I see something happening when I’m at school or something. Just pop’s into my head, pretty much like a deja-vu . But it’s not a deja-vu.