dream simulation room... I need ideas..

This may sound stupid but… Im thinking of making a dream simulation room which is to basicaly set up a room that has a dream atmosphear to it, Ill put up things like a clock with no hands, and put books on the wall, and some dream art, and reality checks, maybie some mixed up fragments of words.
Ill have a black light, inscence, and new age music playing. A strobe light would allso be cool. What else could I do, I need more ideas.

2 mirrors, big ones, facing each other, hung on opposite walls.
glow-in-the-dark stars for when the lights get turned out.
black out the windows so you can have total artificial lighting even in the daytime.

what do you mean by new-age?
i prefer sounds of nature, rain, storms, forest, oceans…that kind of thing.

i have to redecorate my room soon…i might use a dreamy theme too!

If you know Enya thats kindof new age music. Also you should put some water in the room. Like a large basin.

Is this supposed to be for VILDing, if so dont u wanna make it more simplistic, so that every time you run it through you can make it exactly the same as the previous one.


Glue a bed on the ceiling and a chandelier on the floor, so you could believe you’re astral projecting. :tongue:
But as it will be rather difficult, you could just have a life-size photograph of a bed that you stick on the ceiling. :happy:

Basilus, what would be difficult about gluing a dream bed to a dream wall? I’m confused :confused: :confused:

Cos this is gonna be a real room, with real walls and real bed :wink:.

You should put a large mirror on the ceiling, directly above the bed. That way, everytime you wake up and open your eyes, it’ll look like your having an OOBE :tongue:.

That’s what I understood, too. It will be a real room, but when kavaa goes in this room, it looks like a dream. A sort of [size=150]BIG LIFE-SIZED RC[/size], as far I understand… :grin:

well how about one of those inflatable beds and stick that on the roof??? that shouldnt be to hard. how bout that painting with all the melting clocks. that one always made me stop and think… must be hot for time to melt

You mean Salavatore Dali’s painting?

yeah thats the one. im tired and its 2 in the mornin. dont blame me for being artisticaly chalenged. you should get some australian aboriginal paintings in there. those are so awsome. back in the dreamtime. yeah and a didjeridoo

maybe the RC clock, RC magnets and RC buttons can be of help too :smile: -> cafepress.com/ld4all_store

if it is a real room why would you dream about it?

after you do this, take pictures and post them because i want to see how badass the room turns out.
sounds like a stoners heaven :wink:

ok i got another thing get some objects and cut them in half. not like down the middle but in realy irregular ways
and put half or it onto your walls
like the furniture is coming out of the frikin walls.


if they were cut irregularly it wouldnt work, the wall would have to be just as irregular. The object and the wall have to correlate!


no not iregularly… still strait cuts but not directly down the middle. so you would have like the end corner of a table sticking out, and then bellow that the bottom half of the table leg. like its coming out through the wall so it looks like the wall isnt solid.

Hmm, what you are describing looks like a room from a rather pleasant dream. But if somebody wants to make a little domestic nightmare, I’ll add some less nice details:

  1. a lavatory without a door :smile:
  2. several mice on the floor
  3. a live wire with sparks
  4. the basin, that Lucidity_Master wrote about, must be leaky
  5. a computer, connected to the Internet, but disconnecting every ten seconds
  6. a broken ladder. A badly broken one.
  7. a doll’s house under construction. You build it for ages, but it’s never finished :grrr:
  8. a nuclear explosion behind the window.
    Well, if I entered such a room, I would probably do a RC. :smile:

Oh, yes, I forgot spider’s web. It must be everywhere!

  • A light switch which works only one time per two… That’s a classical RC ! :smile:
  • A clock which gives the wrong time.

I like your dream room idea very much. I would like to do the same thing, if I have an unused room someday. You could include photos of Stephen Laberge and Sigmond Frued and a broken digital clock with two or more dead display segments.