DrEamInG ThEoRyS, read and DISCOVER

i had a lucid dream once where i walked through a portal and created my own civilization out of darkness, i heard a noise behind me and was sucked back through the portal and didnt get to finish watching my people grow, is this why god never comes down to us or does much to help or ansers prayers

was god just a differnt form of life that conjured us up in a dream he had, he comes back to us everyonce in a while but cant stay for long. Is are entire life just a story of someone elses Dream? Is the civilization that i created still out there, worshipping gods and making cultures and societys.

If its true this would explain many mysteries of life. and just like how i created my civilization out of this big thing of never ending darkness, maybe thats wat outerspace is. just a leftover infinite playground of gods dream grounds. and thats why we havnt found an end to it and why theres so much unexplained things. that could explain blackholes and why people dont come back from them, are they just portals that bring u back to conciusness. is that wat sucked god back when he woke up. when ships are sucked into them do the people within find out the most dark secrets. when we dream are we just put through blackholes into are own imaginated universe. and we all live in our dream. does are mind transport our soul to some infiniate beyond of space where u can do anything, theres more to dreams than just dreaming. and theres a lot to be explained. Right now as ur reading this, are u in a sense dreaming and death is the only way to actually wake up. when u dream do u live an alternate life and then wake back up in this one, was last night ur other life. do u live years at a time of a different life and thats why dreams are so complicated, and then u wake up and ur back in this life. was yesterday really so close, was it really only 12 hrs ago, or when u dreamt did u live years and years in a different life and then wake back up in this world. Is this why in dreams time never is the same twice? why pictures always change and why dreams tend to shift. Think deep and theres many more theorys to be thought of. Do non lucid dreams feel so real because they are real. its just an alternate place. When u are having lucid dreams and u know ur dreaming. wat happened to the person that doesnt know ur dreaming, is he living ur life? Does he live ur day for u while u live his and is that dayja vu. Does death even exist. people claim to see something when they have near death experiances, a light or something simmilar. but at the end of that light do u just wake up and does ur life restart, causing u to forget everything.

Life is a mystery and dreaming is an even bigger one, instead of people fighting about relegion and scientist trying to find out how life started and whats at the end of the universe, maybe people should start looking into there dreams more thurouly. maybe the anser lays within everyones mind and only Death can unlock it. Am i the only one on this earth that can actually see taste and hear, is everyone around me just made for my life, will someone anser this saying ya i wonder that to sometimes but do u then think to ur self, maybe they were meant to say that to trick me, maybe life is all a game, or a strange dream. I have many more theorys, i could probably right a book, but i would like to hear some of your theorys, some of your ideas.

keep thinking friend

my answer is that life is a shared dream, when we have a blank slate of a mind to work with (which means very little biases, not that the mind is completely void of all input) we can watch how our thoughts manifest reality before us and exert influence upon our lives similar to how we do in a lucid dream, but with the restrictions of physical laws.

deep sleep is close to the death state and we can be lucid in that state to get even more answers.

if you set it up in planes, dreams are an astral plane made of thoughtforms, and teach you how your thoughts create reality in totality. deep sleep would be the source of those very thoughtforms themselves before they are born into a tangible form that can be grasped. they are the silent source of thoughts more or less.

the waking world is shared by all people and can be called a shared dream, what the dream world itself is and the implications of creation inside it are is a very good question, because when lucid it is “your” reality.

I like that, thats good one

shouldn’t this be in “beyond dreaming”?

i know, it was originaly in beyond dreaming, but for some odd reason moogle or someone put it hear, i have no clue what they were thinking

it is theories/discussion about lucid dreams etc, so it was decided that it did belong here :moogle:

My theroy is that all consiousness is manifested thought. Meaning that all thoughts by all elements of creation are Being itself with no separation. So if that one eternal being, jumped into all of our lives and played them out simultaniously, it would seem that we are all different beings living at the same time. But from a perspective beyond time, how do we know that the consiousness that builds our waking and dream life isn’t the same consiousness that everone else experiences, we just don’t remember. That’s why it seems that we have to forget everything about ourselves when we go to sleep and remember where we left off when we get up.
I’ve heard it said that in dreams, everyone in the dream is a representation of the dreamer, and in lucid dreams, we have direct control over the other caracters to show this. So, what if when we go to sleep, we not only play out the role of all other people and things to complete what the next phase of our life will look like, but dream an interpretation of that knowledge in a way that represents what it going on around us entirety without exact details.
In lucid dreams, we get the chance to experience the creative power of altering our experience to the extreme. We very well may have the same abilitys in real life, but boiled down to a less extreme version. Meaning, you can have sex with a person you know in real life, it just takes more focus and more of a mutual desire than just being able to have sex with anyone at anytime in a lucid dream. In the shared experience of daily life, the supreme Being that is ourselves gets to enable the creative process from all perspectives equally, where everyone gets what they want at the same time and no one part can ever completely control the whole thing.