Dreams seem hazy, only can remember certain parts.

When I think back onto my dreams, they all seem very hazy and whited out. Colors never stand out, nor do sounds, and there is like a white cloud border to my perspective. And, I never really real like I am in the dream. I only remember highlights, and it never seems like I was really there. Everything just seems so imaginary.

Is this normal? Why are my dreams like this?

Hi Fandangoya! Welcome to LD4all :smile:

Do you have a good dream recall? Because, your description sounds familiar to my own experiences: whenever I have bad dream recall, the memories becomes hazier and more fragmented and sometimes I too notice a white (sometimes back) border which narrows my dream vision. I don’t think your dreams itself are fuzzy, but your memories of them are.
About the lack of outstanding colors and sounds: this should improve when you work on your dream recall, because the better you remember your dreams, the better you can visualize back that dream in all its glory. You could for instance repeat to yourself that you WILL remember your dreams next morning (not just repeat it but really wish it to happen). The repeating is necessary to imprint the message into your subconsciousness. Other techs are also possible (such as setting your alarm to wake you up about 6 hours after you went to bed).
About the feeling that everything is imaginary… it might be a sign that you’re close to lucidity. Have you had some LDs yet, or are you practicing?

Hope this helps! :wink:

Hmmm, by dream recall, I assume you mean if I remember my dreams. I usually have around 4-5 dreams every night, and usually I remember around 3 of them. I won’t remember everything that happened, but just the main thing that happens. Only fragments. I have just started my dream journal today.

And I never can actually remember being in the actual dream. It’s almost like I woke up thinking I had a dream about so and so, and just sorta remember pictures from the dream. It’s very hard to explain. And, in my lifetime, I have had I think 2 lucid dreams. The one I remember is one I had in 3rd grade (long time ago). I still remember that dream to its fullest.

As I said, it’s very hard to explain what I am trying too. It never feels like I had a dream, nor was in it, just that I remember hazy pictures from the dream.

Well it sounds like your dream recall is good. Remembering at least portions of up to 3 dreams per night. As you practice lucid dreaming your ability to recall your dreams will get better. Do you keep a DJ. If you don’t, I highly recommend it. Not only will it help you learn to recall your dreams more vividly but, you will also learn what your dream life is like. That will be a big + when you start trying to induce lucid dreams.

Also, I found that as I practiced lucid dreaming my ND became much more interesting and vivid.

Good luck and happy dreaming

You dream recall is already very good, Fandangoya ! Congrats ! :good:
And welcome to the forum ! :wave:
When you remember dreams, is it in the morning or in the middle of the night ? As for me, when I remember dreams in the middle of the night, they are often very fuzzy, not very vivid, they look like successions of thoughts. In the morning, my dreams are vivid and look like movies.

Yes it does appear you have good recall, but it is possible to have good, but not vivid dream recall so you might want to try on remembering your dreams vividly.

:sad: i have the same problem but its this blackness to my dreams instead of white…

I hate it when I cant remember dreams!! I usually do, but its really annoying when I know I’ve just had a really cool dream, but I cant remember what it was about, I just have a feeling that its been a good dream. This usually happens when I dont have a chance to wake up, like if i’ve slept in or something.

how do you count the number of dreams you have? the most i’ve written is about twenty different things happening or does that count as just one dream or fragments or…im confuzzled :confused: