Dreams too chaotic

Five days ago I started working with my roommates technique for LDing (relax, daydream, slip into hypnagogic). I’ve been doing this as WBTB; 5-6 asleep, 2ish hours awake, then technique.

Since I’ve been doing this, my dreams in both segments have become very chaotic. I get the impression that I’m achieving false lucidity during the later segment, but the seemingly non-coherency of the dream is making it hard to achieve true lucidity.

Anyone have a possible resolve for this?


I’ve also recently started taking galatamine and vitamin water spark (as a choline supplement), but I haven’t had either for two days.

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

Practice is the answer. So what if you reach false lucidity ? It means you progress. So I’d say a FLD is better than just another ND :tongue: