Dreams turning into hypnagogic images?

Hi, I’m new here and decided to join because I’ve had the same problem all the times I’ve become lucid. Once I become lucid in a dream, it’s no longer a dream. It turns into what can only be described as hypnagogic images. It’s like the dream goes on, but I can’t control it anymore, and suddenly I can very clearly feel that I’m in my bed, and it feels like I’m “struggling” to keep my eyes closed. It doesn’t even help to shout “Increase lucidity!”, because the one time I tried that (which was last night) the dream went completely black and I couldn’t do anything. Has anyone else had troubles like these, and if so, what can I do to avoid it?

in that state, use the imagination ,

visualize a scene,

think about yourself traveling, imagine and use your senses, think about where you want to go, if you are in dream time the void simply gives birth to new dream scenes to go into.

think about for instance, your room, try it right now, close your eyes and imagine what your room looks like, no matter how strong or weak the imagination, it will work in that state, to take us back into first personality

in that state, if we awaken, we are very still and we remember
we focus on where we were, we think about it, we pretend we are still there, we imagine what we just saw and visualize and work with the senses, we talk to the dcs and ask them to pull us back

within 30 seconds we will go back, if we can, you will know.

Thank you! I suspect this was actually really helpful! Never tried asking the dream characters for help, so I’ll do that next time I get lucid :smile:

another problem that it probably is is that you get too excited, and because of that the dream stops. When you become lucid, you have to stay calm until the dream ‘stabilizes’