Dreams within dreams...

I remember dreaming one night a while ago as I was in a deep sleep…it was a lucid dream…can’t exactly remember what it was about but I woke from it only to be in bed…but I was in another dream! :bored: I dreamed a little more and then I woke in the real world…it only happened once in my life and I cannot come up with as to why it happened…it was like a double dream! Anybody care to explain what exactly happened? :confused:

It was probably an FA

But not all these dreams are necessarily FA;
For istance, i had this dream few nights ago where i had a shared dreaming w/ my mom in the dream not irl, and it wasn’t an FA.(False Awakening)

If it wasn’t an FA, then what could it have been? :neutral:

It is called a Meta Dream. It is the basically the same as every other dream, only that you dream of dreaming instead of dreaming about something else. For example, instead of dreaming about being inside a dishwashing machine, you dream about having a shared dream.

Lord Syn, I do believe yours was an FA.

I think that is what it was…anybody else had one of these recently?

Yeah Lord Syn’s dream was a ‘Meta Dream’ and/or FA and they occur when one start learning all about ld mostly.

I have had FAs but are dreams in dream even possible? :confused:

They are possible. Once i had one by having a lucid dream, and i fell asleep in the dream and went into another dream.

Do you do it for fun or does it just happen? :tongue:

I once tried WILD while lucid. I’m not sure what happened, all i can remember was appearing in a blue room, then jumping out the window and going on with the dream.I’ve had a dream where i went to sleep and dreamt that i was dreaming that is was a DC in someone else’s dream :eh:
Things like that can get very confusing :tongue:

I don’t think someone would like to do it for fun… :content:, it is confusing.

I have had PLENTY of DC’s before. They were awesome too. :happy:

Ive had something like that, i was in a dream with a girl i knew from school and we were in the video game oblivion in the wide open plains, i looked at her and suddenly i fantasised (slightly mature here) about shoving my face into her chest before i came back to “reality” was strange, plus ive also dreamed about LDing.

Sounds like a hell of a dream. :happy:

Twas, i think this might be something worth defining in the dictionary.

DreamVisions: A phenomenon where a dreamer experiences a “dream within a dream” or a moment where they have a fantasy/vision/hallucination (often visual) within a dream.

And yes it was a nice few moment, plus the girl offered to let me do it in the end.

i had one of those meta dreams once .funny thing was that i was lucid in the smaller dream but not the bigger one.When I woke from the smaller dream I was lucid in the big one too.in the bigger dream I could see myself laying down and dreaming the smaller dream but I don’t think it had any content.Just my big dream telling me that i was having a sex dream while asleep on a cot.

Well I had this kind of dream about 3 days ago. I fell asleep and started to dream where I also fell asleep and started to dream . In my dream “dream” I became lucid . I could breathe with my nose closed wit my fingers and I also looked at my hands - they were blurry and lighter than they should be . Suddenly I felt like I was losing lucidiy and i remember I should spin or rub my hands . I dont know why but I wasnt able to spin so I started rubbing my hands but as soon as I quit I fell back to normal dream and soon after that I woke up . In my dream I didnt realize not even once that i was dreaming altough I did a successful RC . When I woke up I just couldnt believe how dumb I was that I didnt become lucid and understand that I was dreaming . Its probably the most stupid thing I´ve ever experienced - I do a LD in my dream , make several successful RC-s and dont understand Im dreaming . :eek: :tongue:

Guys I never thought of it before but a dream in a dream is still just a dream :grin:, if I am wrong please correct me :smile: and yeah, sry for being booring about this subject :tongue: