Easiest way to get an LD?

Sup everybody, first post. :smile:

I really really suck at having LDs. The one time I had one, I was kicking and screaming, desperetly trying to escape my dream. I knew I was dreaming, but I was just overcome with dread for no reason. There wasn’t anything scary in my dream. The scariest thing in it was Gary Coleman. It was weird.

But anyways, what method do you guys find most effective to get an LD? I havn’t done anything to have one recently, and I can’t keep a DJ, because to be honest, thats seen as socially unacceptable by normal people. And it’s hard to keep things like a journal a secret. So what method can I use to get an LD fast? I don’t want to keep a dream journal, and I also don’t want to suffer sleep paralysis. Also, I’ve tried hypno-recordings, but they don’t work as I can’t fall asleep with them on.



First, It’s really good to have a DJ, it doesn’t mean you need a real
one though. You can make a DJ here or go to dreamjournal.com

You are probably going to want to do WBTB + MILD
so, you go to sleep normally and set your alarm clock to wake you up
4-6 hours into your sleep and then when you wake up,
get outta bed and read about lucid dreaming
for an hour or so, then go back to bed with lucid dreaming on your mind
then just follow through with MILD… and that should be the easiest way
to get an LD with your circumstances
