easy way for all you trying but not getting there

an easy way to access a WILD or whatever it be called, is this:
wake up in the morning, on a weekend or sometime when you can shortly return to sleep. if youve ever noticed how sometimes dreams during an afternoon nap take on LD properties, its because of the light stage of sleep you enter into.
some of my most incredible eperiences come from mornings when i have woken up, gone about with random activity for at least 15-20 minutes, then gone back to sleep. try this many times and it will hit, surefire.
this technique is good and doesn’t require hardcore preparation, like some of these stopwatch techniques, etc.
my first lucid dream that is instilled to my memory, perhaps forever, was caused by this approach, albeit accidentally. happened like this: woke up one summer morning with the most painful sunburn i ever encountered. took a shower right out of bed, which turned out to be a mistake for my burned skin began to get drier and drier. What ensued was the most painfully excruciating ITCH i hope to ever have. I had to escape this brutal itch, which was so bad i was actually laughing. Soo, being a young man with beers in the fridge, grabbed one and swiiged it down quickly, hoping for an anesthetic type effect. i took two benadril allergy tablets, and drank another beer, wrapped up in a wet towel, and layed back down on my bed…
i woke up, walked out to the main room area, sat down, began to watch TV. realizing the itch was gone, i was pleased. I went about an ordinary few minutes of activity, when suddenly i woke up again. This is when i began to dream lucidly, and i remember it vividly today. I woke up, much in the same fashion i had just woken up previously in my dream. i got outta bed, walked down the hallway to the same room, but i knew the gig was up this time, i, for the first time, knew i was dreaming while actually dreaming, so i decided to flagrantly test it. i stepped out the front door, and leapt off of the brick stairs and never came down. I flew around town, all with seemingly incredibly accurate landmarks and such. i flew iflew iflew and never wanted to stop. and thats where the memory diminishes, i just know i woke up and still had that blasted sunburn.
needless to say since then i have devoted my sleeping hours toward the puruit of this supreme level of happiness and control over “reality,” after all youre going to sleep anyway, do it in style.
not suggesting that drugs and alcohol are a good, or even healthy way of achieving LD’s, and i have never tried this combination again for intentional sleep, but it worked for me. It really just turned me on to the potential of waking for a brief spell, then sleeping promptly after, for derivation of LD’s. give it a shot, just leave the intoxicants out of it, unless you’d rather not.

Floater most of us know this technique as WBTB, which was actually kind of invented (in any case explained in great detail) by the LD-guru Steven Laberge :smile:

Also, mixing medicines and alcohol isn’t a good idea. For example, one of my friend’s friends mixed paracetomol with alcohol and started to have fits.

I know that in small amounts it doesn’t hurt. But in large amounts it can cause liver and kidney damage, and fits.

Welcome to the forum. The method is called WBTB. Although I have never tried it in the morning. I may try it soon.

that itch was severe, i had to end it all!
really just coincidental with my first LD, which led me on a path that has me here, at the forum for dreamers.

I swear I posted in this thread… so either a mod deleted it or it was lost some how :/.

Maybe you were dreaming.

… maybe I was…

Lol, that’d be funny if you actually were.

I remember deleting your post, and i’m not even mod :eek:

Nah, kidding :tongue: