Encounters With Canada

I just got back from a week in ottawa with 98 other kids, it was one of the best weeks I’ve had in my life. Everyone is very friendly, and… yeah, definately if you live in canada, apply for this trip, it is awesome.

Yeh we are the best country in the world. :happy: At least you went to Ottawa…if you came to Ontario you would think you were in New York.

expect us there. News that I’ve heard is that Canada’s immigrations website has an increase of 65,000 hits daily from Americans … after the election of course.

Is everyone going to move to the Antartica someday? Mexicans are moving to the United States and United States is moving to Canada.

Yay canada!


Hummm… a little cold, though, isn’t it ? :shy: :grin:

I live in Sweden, though I definentley feel that I’ll move to Canada or Australia when I’m finished studying. Go Canada!

Yes, I hear lots of people talking about moving to Canada. I think you should all stay put. In the end, the blue states always win.

Anyway, I here (from the news) that moving to Canada is not as easy as most people think. From what I understand there is a 4 year long waiting list to get a visa to live and work there.

If I were going to move. I think I would go all out and move to the Netherlands.

Heh. I would like to move to Canada, but not because the Republicans are still in control. I just think it sounds like a better place to live. Des Moines, Iowa is a great place to live, but I like change.

From everything that I have seen Canada seems like Sweden with a little less segregation (just a little, teeny weent bit). The reason for moving? English. I feel more comfortable with it. Strange but true.

Last time I checked, Ottawa was in Ontario. Maybe you mis-typed.

It’s a bit liek Britian. All those annoying immagrants come to the UK even though they are in no danger, taxes rise, and as a result the British start moving to America or into Europe.

I had no idea it was that easy to just up and move to the UK. I always thought it was the same as here you have to apply for a visa then wait years to get approval to live and work there.

I think that people that do move to places like Canada, UK, the Netherlands are doing so not out of fear but, more because people identify with the values (for lack of a better word) that those countries represent.

Seems to me though that people who move there work and pay the same taxes as you do so I do not see how it hurts you in any way.

People make the same silly argument about people who immigrate (albeit often illegally)here in the US. People say things like they are taking American jobs. What BS. Like they would work for $3.00 an hour picking oranges or whatever.

Anyway, my point is it is not something to gripe about. Feel pride that these people want to move to your country. It means that you (as a society) must be doing something right that so many people want to move there!

I do agree with you on one point. It does seem odd to me as well that people from the US want to move to Canada, Netherlands, UK etc. Yet, people from the European countries all want to move here. I think people always think the grass is greener on the other side but, I think both groups should think about what they are giving up.

milod: People make the same accusements on foreigners here in Sweden. Its stupid.

And also, nowadays people, in Sweden atleast, don’t wan’t to move to the USA. Everybody kind of hates them because of Bush, but most realize the American people aren’t all stupid (Ricki Lake gives you a bad name to).

Uh, yay Canada and stuff. Yeah.

LOL I did not know she was still on the air. What did she do to upset your fellow Swedes?

Well it is good to know that not everyone hates us. Just keep in mind the overwhelming majority of people in the US live in the famous blue states not the notorious red states.

I few days ago I saw fox news report that bashed Canada because, according to the report, they have liberal immigration laws. I thought that was a little unfair to our friends to the north. Just because the crazed right wants to keep immigrants out of our country we certainly do not have the right to criticize Canada because, they want people to come to their country.

I love living in Canada, but I’d love to spend a year or so in Britain. After visiting London I want to go back! :happy:

I like that we have immigrants. I have 2 friends who immigrated from China, one great friend who’s parents immigrated from Poland etc. Having people from many cultures just makes us richer in our own.


Sounds cool. I agree diversity and inclusion makes a rich society. I have never visited Canada but plan to at some point. I also want to visit the Netherlands at some point.

i heard you can live in Canada for a huge time on just a normal passport, right?

Well yeah I mean, I do plan on moving out of the US after I finish school or IF there is another terrorist attack and talk of making new “anti-terror” (anti freedom) legislation I’ll have to think about fleeing now…

I"ll do it illegally if I have to, there are people here that would hopefully take up the battle for me, even if it meant civil war, I am not really willing to kill people for what I believe since I don’t believe in killing, and would rather go to a place where people with my ideologies are welcomed, not called “terrorists” and “un-American” (even though my ideologies are actually “pro-American”)

i would hope Canada would grant me asylum if I really did feel the need to out of fear of persecution flee to them illegally…

Europe is of course an option but it’s a lot harder to get to.

How do you get a passport? Where do you go to get one? I should just get one NOW just to be prepared.

(it’s realistic to think Canada would grant us aslyum, I mean we are put in jail for religious/spiritual practices… if you’re a shaman you’re just really fucked over and could get life in jail for trying to tune in to some spirituality in the privacy of your own home… you know… damned LIFE in jail for growing ONE MARIJUANA PLANT… the laws allow it… this is fascism… if it isn’t I don’t know what is… in Canada (from Canadians I know) you can smoke a joint at a police station and they j ust gripe at you to go somewhere else)