I just had a dream where I think I dreamt about lucid dreaming…
I was being attacked and talking with this viscious girl, and sooner or later through our conversation I realize that this is a dream. No RC’s are anything. So I tell her that nothing about this matters, I’m dreaming and I can do anything I want to. It started to feel like I was trying to wake up, so I tried the rubbing hands method but my attacker interrupted me and the normal dream took over. I’m not even sure if I managed to become lucid or not, but if I did, it was for a split second.
[color=darkblue]Well, if you actually did realise and tried rubbing your hands together, it sounds to me like you actually had an LD so congratulations
The reason you may doubt this is because you might have poor dream recall or the dream may not have been so vivid. Don’t worry, I have the same problem!
As for dreaming about LD’s, I have done that too. I once was in an ND and told my sister about LD!
These dreams are often borderline LD’s, where your SC was obviously thinking about LD but didn’t quite get the dream sign (how it didn’t, I don’t know!)
Once you have had your first LD, it should be easier to have more in the future. [/color]
By your description this was an actual lucid dream, because you said that you told the DC that you knew you were dreaming. The definition of a lucid dream is a dream in which you know you’re dreaming and this certainly fits that category.
Congrats on the first, with some practice you’ll get better and be able to have longer ones.
I feel like ripping my hair out when i just talk about LD’ing in a dream. . It happens frequently, there are probably methods to use it to oru advantage though. Like whenever talking or even thinking about LD’s do a RC. I have been trying to do this, but there might be better methods out there. And yes you did have an LD. So I give you my congragtulations.
Ahaha… I remember this one time I was rambling about what was going on in my dream. It was so classic. Because I was like… well if this happened then that would mean this would have to happen but if that happened then this would happen and if that happened then I must be dreaming…!
yeah, I was going to try and WILD in a ND once. I was talking to a group of faceless people about going to sleep to have a shared dream with a person in the group.