So i’ve been looking into LDing, and somewhere on the net I came across something called a Dry Spell. Apparently, an LDer can suddenly stop having LDs and it’s very hard to start up again or something. Anyone have any experience or knowledge about this?
It does happen. Some people have LDs pretty consistently; others have them in spurts. Everyone gets dry spells from time to time–they can be caused by stress, sickness, sleep deprivation, lack of motivation, different sleeping arrangements, or simply by the whims of your subconscious. You just have to push through them and keep thinking optimistically.
It is true that it’s harder to get back into the habit of becoming lucid after a long dry spell. You kind of “forget” what it feels like to realize you’re dreaming.
Good to know. Thanks for the info.
-.- I’ve been in a dry spell for the last year or so. Any advice how to start back up again? Cuz I been wanting to, and I remember all the stuff, but I somehow can’t remember my dreams at all! >.<
dry spell for last few weeks
I have noticed that when I get lucid dreams, they are usually clustered together over a series of days or a week. I never really get 1 per week for example, but may get 2 or 3 in one week and then none for the next 3 weeks.
Ya, I went from about 2 or 3 a week to nothing since May 22. My dreams have also become much less vivid and harder to remember. My sleep patern hasn’t really changed, though. I would also like a few tips or something.
Maybe if nothing else, they’ll come back after finals are over (tuesday). ALthough, I’m not really stressed or sick…at all.