Exactly how important is this aspect of WBTB?

How important is it to stay awake after waking up in WBTB? I’ve heard everything from 10 minutes to an hour.

In the past, I’ve stayed up for like 3-4 minutes. Is that not as effective as 10 min-1 hour?


Staying up longer will increase your chance of getting lucid, but I think that’s because you focus on the fact that you want to get lucid for a longer time when staying up longer. But it can be hard to fall asleep again if you stay up for 1 hour. I would say that as long as you stay up for atleast a few minutes or atleast until you wake up a bit, that should be enough :smile:

Yeah, as JaRoD said, I have problems to fall asleep if I stay awake for an hour so my next try will be to just stay awake for like, 20 minutes or something like that, maybe even less.

I don’t do WBTB myself, i’ve done WBTB only once w/o being succesful. But i think it depends on the person if you are a heavy sleeper you can stay up one hour but if you don’t the best is like 15-20 mins.

ANd if you are trying to WILD, how much should I stay awake?

We can tell you what work for us but its not much information because you will need to experiment yourself anyways.Proper time is the time you need.Start with 10 minutes and see- if you fall to sleep too easily it means you need more time.Try 1 hour- if thats causing you to not be able to sleep at all,then you need less.So on.
Note that while such investigation same sleep hours are important.
good luck:)

Every time I try (or try not to) I’ve successfully WBTB-ed + WILD-ed by merely by waking up (naturally), lying in bed thinking for about 5 minutes, then closing my eyes again. Most of the time when it happens I’ll drift into light sleep and dream, realize I’m dreaming, gain conciousness, the dream fades, and I immediately enter into WILD stuff. I think it really depends on the person.

You will have to find the balance yourself: the balance between being too drowsy to enjoy the benefits of increased wakefulness during sleep and being too awake to fall asleep again. 5-10 minutes may not work for many people because they are still half asleep but it may work for you. You can also shorten the WBTB-time needed by getting out of bed and being active. But then again, being too active may endanger your chances of falling asleep…

I actually just woke up from a LD. It was great.

I’d now like to recommend something to do in LD’s: Climb your neighbor’s house, then do an elbow drop through their roof while they’re eating dinner. It’s hilarious.