Experienced WILD'ers, what is your favourite method?

I don’t remember such a topic to have been created, so I think it could be interesting. WILD is rather hard to masterize, cause your mainly have to find your own method. Moreover, there are a lot of WILD methods, like the Suneye’s third eye method, HILD, the Muldoon-Bruce’s “astral rope”, the Monroe’s “finding the vibrations” method, the counting method, the entering phosphenes method, etc.

Thus, if quite experienced WILD’ers can say us what methods they use and what method they prefer, I think it could be a good thing! :content:

Offtopic slightly, but where do i find a list of loads of methods??

Through the whole forum, I’m afraid… :sad: I don’t think there is something like that in the Library.

well the way i usually do it is, i notice myself waking up from a dream, stay motionless until i feel a “shift” in my perception, and then usuallly pop out of my body :smile:

If I manage to get HI after sleeping for a few hours I can pretty much WILD into it 100% of the time. But I usually only start to notice HI after I’ve slept so long that I can barely fall asleep again :tongue:

Isn`T it a gatherd the methods topic .

Oh it`s callledd “all new methods”

Like Dark Sider, I find that the dream re-entry method is the easiest. You’re already relaxed. Stay completely still, and wait for that shift, when you start to feel your dream body. Sometimes there is a slight dizziness that I concentrate on that gets me into perceiving the dream body.
Usually this method is really quick, bypassing body vibrations and most HI.

I do the spinning tech (then roll OBE) mostly, sometimes I just stay aware somehow (even unintentionally), and a dream just pops up from the HI.

How lucky you are, Xetrov… :thud: