Extent of control in LDs...

I was wondering, can you use Lds to learn languages instantly or something? I mean, if you can fly and turn into a dragon and shoot DBZ powers and whatever this might not be that out of reach either could it? If anyone has tried this please let me know.

I don’t think you could do something that you don’t already know.

what you could try though, would be to scan through the entire French to English dictionary (or whatever languages), so that your sub-c already knows the language, and then try and learn it like that?

Great idea, Sureal ! :grin: Has someone already tried this ?

Not that I know of :/.

I spoke totally perfect spanish in my dreams once. In real life I’m just now learning how to carry on a conversation for a little while! It was pretty hectic. I new what I was saying and everything, but when I woke up, nada.

Same here, Redifin. I remember in a ND (after I was reading through my Japanese book and went to sleep), I was stumbling through some sentences with a Japanese shopkeep – but he was sputtering along. I know that my mind controlls all the dreams, so how in the world was I so fluent in one sense and not in the other? Weird!

Weird but totally awesome. I’d kill for fluent spanish right now! 74 in class… :eh:

Well yes you can fly and turn into a dragon and all of that kind of stuff.

I don’t think you could learn a new language though. To be honest I never tried it.

However, you can definitely tap into your lucid dreams for creative projects. I have written many short stories based on both my normal and lucid dreams. I even have 2 novels in progress and my inspiration for both came from lucid dreams.

I had wondered if this would work. I wasn’t sure if your sub-c would actually retain all of that info. if you just looked at it once. I think I will make an experiment out of this one if no one has already.

Ok well I guess the conclusion is that you can’t just say “I want to learn Spanish!” and suddenly speak it, but that you can only learn what you have already learned (yeah, that made sense >_>). I wanted to learn Chinese or Japanese and I have some experience in those, so I won’t come away empty handed when I try it… But still, it would have been awesome to just learn it. Maybe try OBEing over to another country or something? Questions questions…

Well…im not sure about those things you dont know.There are theories about subcounciousnes.Quite a lot of them- Jung one that says we are born with “set” of features common to every person,we have karma theories and past lives ones,we also have ones that say that our brains can communicate on distance.
In this light there are things we MAY be able to do in a dream even though we had no idea we could.
Its still something to explore and dont set your minds to “i can do only things that i experienced/know” and even learn new stuff.
good luck.

you may have only THOUGHT you were speaking perfect spanish. your brain can trick you into thinking something is what it isnt

like the way your brain can make you feal FEAR at a small innocent kittie and you run, when in actually its not a threat