Extreamly odd FIRST Lucid Dream....(More inside)

Success! I had my first LD last night.

But here’s the werid thing:

I fell asleep just trying to remember a dream.
In my dream I was walking and it felt sooo real. At first everything turned out the way I wanted, and somehow I just realized that I was dreaming. (Is that even possible?!?) When I realized that I was dreaming something odd happened. I felt like that there was something pulling me away, which got me kind of scared…But that soon went away. After that I was in this room and I was “practicing” lucidity. I started moving some chains and swords where I was. But after awhile I lost my “powers”. I tried to regain it for awhile but then I got annoyed and let that “thing” take me away to a normal dream.

So…what the hell just happend?

By “thing” I don’t mean like a creature I mean like some type of weird force.
What happened to my powers?

Well you could of had some doubts as you went along. They really mess up lucidity. The “force” might have been your awareness slipping away. Maybe you just weren’t aware enough to do anything. Did you try to spin or do a few RC’s to stabilize it?

I didn’t do any RC’s…I got kind of carried away with the chains and swords thing…

Congrats on your first LD! :smile:

When you first get lucid, do a few RC’s just to make sure, this should assure that this is a dream and also it’ll get you a bit more involved with the dream world. After this, you should stabalise the dream and increase your lucidity so it will last longer, just look at some stationary focus or use the command “lucidity now” or similar.

Once you’re stabalised, your dream should be even more realistic and it should last longer.

As for losing “powers” in an LD, just remember that it is your brain doing this, command them to return. If this doesn’t work, it might be because your brain has doubts as Tcc said, if this happens, try finding some sort of magic potion in your dream and really believe that when you drink it, it will have the effect you want. In my experience, using devices like this lets the brain accept the situation better.

I hope this makes sense, if not, please feel free to ask :smile: