FA after WILD

Hi :smile:
I succeed having a WILD finally! But I got into FA, is it common?

It happens, the trick is just knowing it’s a dream, no matter what happens. The more you are aware of the situation, the more you are prone to remember it’s a dream, whatever it may happen.

Even if it seems you’ve woken up, always try to check if you’re still in a dream! It will allow your LD to continue. :smile:

Thanks :content:

I had the Same Problem first few times I tried WILD, Feels very weird :wink:

I havn’t tried since because of stupid problems, But I know I can Have a successful WILD now without a FA it’s all about Confidence and Realising your In Control ^^ Positivity is the Key :happy:

A good way to use FAs to your advantage is to do an RC every time you wake up. I got quite a bit of my LDs this way. It works quite well if you do it EVERY SINGLE time you wake up, because if you say “oh this can’t be a dream” It kind of defeats the purpose

Actually I love FA’s. They are one of the best ways for me to become lucid. It’s just a matter of training yourself to RC when you awaken, like tosxy said. When you have a WILD, you need to always be ready (I know for me WILD dreams are a tad unstable). If you fade to black and then wake u, there’s a good 60% chance you’re still in a dream, especially if you’ve been doing things like rubbing your hands and spinning.

I actually do it everyday andn night but it never changed something.
Very strange…
Thank you for the information :happy: