Falling a sleep for secs. waking up, and remembering a lot?

Does this happen a lot?

For example when I’m in a class and I start falling a sleep while I’m seating down just for a few seconds and I wake up, I have like a vague feeling of a lot of memories I didn’t have before.

Is this sort of like a dream? But why do I have so much information when I wake up, it seems like a really big dream… it’s weird…

Any thoughts?

I’m no expert but when you fall alseep even for a few seconds, if im not completely mistaken, you are on your subconcious so anything that you may have dreamed earlier or not really thought about could just come rushing to you in that sudden moment of sleeping and waking… maybe, i could be wrong, im not that experianced.

kaotix wrote

Kaotix is probably right. I don’t have alot of experience either but it sounds like it was probably your dream from last night. Or your subconcious might be making some kind of uber daydream, though thats unlikely. But this strikes me with the possibility of a new dream recall method? whatever the case good luck with that! :tongue:

There could be a few explanations.

  1. It could be a short dream with a long strong set of false memorys.
  2. It could be as Kaotix said, you remembered and earlyer dream, or you could have continued an earler dream, and then remembered the contiuation, and the earler dream.
  3. You might have had a long dream in a few seconds. This is questionable. Some people say that they can do this, others say it is imposable. One person says that had a dream that lasted 100 years in one night.
    You have to decide what you belive about your dream.

This morning, being tired… i looked at the clock. 10:01.
I rest my eyes, but fall asleep. I have a dream and wake up. Based on how long the dream felt i expected to have been asleep for at least 15 minutes. I look at the clock, it says 10:04. It’s more than a few secs though.

my first instint was that you remembered an earlier dream with it
i find that my dreams, if i remember three, can be linked.
for example, i remember:
dream 1) dreamt of all-powerful remote control. eventually became lucid
dream 2) almost lucid, but for some reason i thought i was “cheating” to make the hand RC work
dream 3) return of the remote control (no lucidity)

although these dreams were in the same night, its still highly likely that you remembered another dream. dreams can sometimes come back to you at random moments aswell

Yeah, I have this feeling too often while coming back from work (don’t worry, I’m usually ont the one who drives) or in French class at school when I’m nodding off. I’d say it’s a really stubby dream, a few seconds past hypnagogic state…

Another possibility is that a part of your (subconscious) mind is constantly dreaming, and you’re tuning into that ongoing dream and the false memories associated with it.

Thanks for the answers… hadn’t checked the forum in a bit.

interesting, your theory cant be proved right or wrong! I love those. Get’s you thinking aswell

We dont understand a lot about our mind.

Sure it can… maybe. It might take a scientist or two, however. Proving it right might be possible, if that big dream ever “leaks” into the waking world. As for proving it wrong… well, yes, that would take a scientist.

I have this too sometimes :tongue:

Oh… I woke up at 8.00 and then went back to sleep…
My alarm went off at 10.00 but it felt like days had past… :bored: