falling back to sleep

WBTB. it seems easy enough, but i cant seem to just control it most of the time. even if its for only 1 minute of being awake.

Most of the time i wake up 4-6 hours later and sometimes lay there just thinking about LD. but it seems that i get mildly excited about the chance to have a LD that my heart rate even goes up and then sleeping becomes difficult. My mind just starts to kind of wake up and then the last thing on my mind is LD, i just want to get back to sleep.

Well, at first stop being so excited. Relax,whatever techniqe you are are gonna use. Try to concentrate on it. Concentrate on way you will get lucid.

Try a relaxation technqiue like the 61-point relaxation in EWLD. Also if you have this much energy get up and do something, walk around, read a little etc. Then go back to bed a try to use an LD induction technique.